High-end energy and power machinery forum held

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China Drying News China's high-end energy, machinery, health and energy efficiency monitoring intelligent development strategy academic forum recently held at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. More than 150 academicians, experts and scholars gathered to discuss how to ensure the safe and efficient operation of high-end energy and power machinery through monitoring and intelligent development.

It is understood that high-end energy power machinery includes high-end compressors, gas turbines, aero-engines, supercritical and ultra-supercritical turbine engines, wind turbines, etc., among which the compressors are natural gas transportation and liquefaction, oil extraction and refining, Coal liquefaction and coal chemical industry, the core equipment of the energy industry, is also its main energy-consuming equipment.

According to surveys from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, at present, domestic compressors generally have outstanding problems such as high energy consumption, unstable performance, poor reliability, high failure rate, and short life span. For example, the design efficiency is 2% to 5% lower than the advanced level in foreign countries. The continuous operation cycle is only 1/2 to 2/3 of the leading level in foreign countries. Only the energy consumption of compressors in the oil refining, petrochemical, and metallurgical industries accounts for about 15% of the national industrial energy consumption, and accidents occur frequently.

It was learned from the meeting that, in order to solve the above problems, the Chinese Academy of Engineering has approved the establishment of a key consulting project of "China's high-end energy, power machinery, health and energy efficiency monitoring and intelligent development strategy." The project is led by Academician Gao Jinji of Beijing University of Chemical Technology. He will organize related academicians and experts in 2013 and 2014 to carry out strategic, forward-looking, comprehensive, and operational research.

The forum was hosted by the Chinese Academy of Engineering's Department of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, and jointly organized by Beijing University of Chemical Technology and the China Equipment Association.

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