What are the main advantages and disadvantages of the sublevel caving method with bottom column?

The main advantage:
(1) Because the method has multiple recovery schemes, it can be used to mine ore bodies of various conditions, so it is flexible and adaptable.
(2) Large production capacity. Mining intensity and heavy rain without sub-column sublevel caving method. The annual decline depth is 20~23m, and the output per unit area of ​​the mine is 75~100t/m2.a.
(3) The equipment for mining and mining is simple, easy to use and maintain, and adapt to the production and supply conditions of domestic equipment.
(4) Compared with the sublevel caving method without bottom column, the ventilation conditions are good and there is continuous airflow; when the fresh airflow is directly entered into the ventilation system of the electric roadway, the wind speed is guaranteed to be not small O.Sm/s .
Main disadvantages:
(1) The amount of mining and cutting is large, and the degree of construction mechanization is low. The bottom structure is complex, and its engineering volume accounts for about half of the entire precision cutting project.
(2) The ore loss is relatively large, and it is larger in the case where the inclination of the ore body is not steep and the thickness is not large. The general ore loss rate is 15~20%, and the ore depletion rate is 20~30%.

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