Great Wall Lubricating Oil Promotes the Development of Automotive Industry Chain

At the 2012 China Automotive Industry Development (TEDA) International Forum held in Tianjin, Dr. Zhang Chunhui of Great Wall Lubricant , Sinopec Great Wall , said that the development of the local automobile industry depends not only on vehicle companies, but also on engines, lubricants , gearboxes, etc. Development, only if these companies work together and work together, China's auto industry will have a future.

Zhang Chunhui said that in recent years, Sinopec Great Wall Lubricants has developed its own product line lubricants to meet the needs of different markets through its own core technologies and aimed at the development direction of the automotive industry, while fully satisfying the needs of international brand auto companies and consumers. This has greatly promoted the progress of the local automobile industry chain. In order to promote the overall development of the local automotive industry, Zhang Chunhui said that since 2009, Sinopec Great Wall Lubricants has established China's first cross-industry technology cooperation center Sinopec Automotive Industry Technology Cooperation Center, which provides a number of automotive companies in the product development stage. Professional and timely lubrication solutions have effectively shortened the R&D cycle of new products for automotive companies and fully met the needs of international brand automotive companies and consumers.

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