The use of air filter errors and identification methods

The role of the air filter is to filter out the suspended particles in the air entering the cylinder to reduce the wear of the cylinder, piston and piston ring. Among the three types of media required for engine operation, the maximum amount of air is used. If the air filter cannot effectively filter suspended particles in the air, the lighter ones accelerate the wear of cylinders, pistons, and piston rings, while the other causes strain on the cylinder and shorten the service life of the engine. Misunderstanding

No quality at the time of purchase. Since a small number of maintenance personnel did not recognize the importance of air filters, they were only looking for cheaper, less quality, and purchased inferior products, resulting in abnormal operation of the engine. Compared to the money saved by buying counterfeit air filters, the cost of repairing the engine is much more expensive. Therefore, the purchase of air filters should adhere to the principle of quality first, especially in the current auto parts market, more cases of fake and shoddy products, more goods should be better than three, careful purchase.

Free to remove. In order to allow the engine to obtain sufficient progress, some drivers will arbitrarily remove the air filter and allow the engine to directly inhale unfiltered air. The harm of this practice is very obvious. Tests on the air cleaners used to remove air cleaners from trucks show that after the air cleaners are removed, the wear of the engine cylinders will increase by 8 times, the piston wear will increase by 3 times, and the wear of the cold rings will increase by 9 Times.

Maintenance and replacement do not start from reality. In the air cleaner instruction manual, the mileage or hours worked are used as the basis for maintenance or replacement. However, the maintenance or replacement cycle of the air filter is also closely related to the environmental factors of the vehicle. Cars that are often used in environments with large amounts of dust in the air should have shorter maintenance or replacement cycles for air cleaners; while cars that drive in environments with low dust content, maintenance or replacement of air cleaners. The cycle can be extended appropriately.

If the driver actually works according to the regulations in actual work, and does not flexibly grasp the factors such as the environment, it is imperative to wait until the mileage is up to standard and the engine working condition is obviously abnormal. This will not only save the expenditure on vehicle maintenance. , It will also cause greater waste, and it will also cause serious damage to vehicle performance. How does the air filter work? When does it need to be maintained or replaced?

Theoretically, the air filter life and maintenance intervals should be measured by the ratio of the gas flow rate of the flow filter to the gas flow required by the engine: when the flow rate is greater than the flow rate, the filter operates normally; when the flow rate is equal to When the flow rate, the filter should be maintained; when the flow rate is less than the flow rate, the filter can no longer continue to use, otherwise the engine operating conditions will become worse and worse, or even unable to work.

In actual work, the following methods can be used to identify: When the filter element of the air cleaner is blocked by the suspended particulate matter, which can not meet the air flow required for the engine work, the engine working status will be abnormal, such as roaring sound nausea, acceleration Slowness (insufficient intake air to make cylinder pressure insufficient), inability to work (fuel combustion is not complete due to too high mixture), relatively high water temperature (combustion continues while entering the exhaust stroke), and exhaust smoke during acceleration Degree becomes thicker.

When these symptoms appear, it can be judged that the air filter is clogged. The filter element should be removed in time for maintenance or replacement. When maintaining the air filter element, attention should be paid to the changes in the color of the inner and outer surfaces of the filter element. After removing the dust, if the outer surface of the filter element is clear and its inner surface is clean, the filter element can be used continuously; if the outer surface of the filter element has lost its natural color or the inner surface is dark, it must be replaced. After the air filter element has been cleaned three times, it cannot be reused regardless of the appearance quality.

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