Samsung LED re-attacks the lighting market

After two years of adjustment, Samsung LED, which has been in a state of paralysis since 2012, has finally begun to re-attack the lighting market.
Following the signing of a deep strategic cooperation agreement with Zhejiang Hehui Lighting in May 2013, Samsung LED has signed about 10 customers, including Shanghai Hanyuan Lighting Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., which has just acquired shares with Chau Ming Technology and Chau Ming Technology. Hereinafter referred to as Hanyuan Lighting).
Samsung LED's joint efforts with Hanyuan Lighting and its recent frequent actions, or hint that the multinational electronics giant's intention and determination to deepen the LED lighting market is strengthening, LED lighting market will flash more Samsung.
The cooperation between Samsung and Zhouming and Hanyuan will be a comprehensive and in-depth cooperation in product, technology, R&D and brand synergy in stages, starting with the package of lamps. Mei Zhimin, the brand director of Chau Ming Technology's e-commerce business, said in an interview with Gao Gong LED that it is extremely optimistic about Samsung LED. He believes that Samsung has an unbeatable brand advantage and a maverick marketing thinking. Samsung, which will win if it is shot, is trying to adopt e-commerce or some new promotion methods.
In fact, the cooperation between Samsung LED and Hanyuan Lighting has formed a complementary supply chain to some extent: on the one hand, Samsung LED needs Hanyuan Lighting to open its outlet for LED device sales, and on the other hand, Hanyuan Lighting It is also necessary to borrow Samsung's brand influence and consistent supply capacity.

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