Officials said that the root cause of conflicts of interest is the separation of power and power.

Officials said that the root cause of conflicts of interest lies in the use of power and supervision of diesel generators | diesel generators price / 2012-06-15

Preventing conflicts of interest is the focus and difficulty of combating corruption, and it is also an important part of the construction of the system of punishment and prevention. Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs must focus on preventing the construction of a conflict of interest mechanism. Under the framework of the construction of a punishment and prevention system, they must adhere to the ideas of systematic prevention and control, specialization, comprehensive education, systems, supervision, reform, rectification, and punishment. The prevention and control of the joints led to overall prevention and control, and efforts were made to form a long-term mechanism for preventing conflicts of interest with high degree of integration and operability, and to further enhance the comprehensive performance of anti-corruption at the source.
Clear interest boundaries. Preventing conflicts of interest is not only a requirement of honest government, but also a value judgment. Strengthening the education of honest and clean administration and clarifying the boundaries of power are the basis for internal control to prevent conflicts of interest. First, we must strengthen awareness of honest administration. Starting from the height of strengthening the political ethics of public officials, extensive use of case studies, situational simulations, cultural influences, and other pleasing methods will deepen the prevention and education of conflicts of interest and help public servants understand the nature and consequences of conflicts of interest. The whole society establishes ideas that prevent conflicts of interest. Second, we must regulate the operation of power. The root cause of conflicts of interest is that some departments and cadres set athletes and umpires in one, regardless of the use of power and supervision, public power and private interests. We must take power supervision and control as the core, closely integrate party affairs with government affairs disclosure, and fully implement the open and transparent operation of power, and promote the decision-making power, execution power, and supervision power to mutually restrict and coordinate each other. For each specific power, it is necessary to explore and formulate the power flow chart, define the boundaries of power, improve the procedures for the use of power, and promote the normal operation. Third, we must break the circle of interests. The power influence of leading cadres and public servants spreads in circles among different objects such as spouses, children, relatives, fellow villagers, classmates, and comrades-in-arms. It is necessary to focus on the distributional characteristics of power influence, and build corresponding circle avoidance and supervision. Systems such as the system, highlighting the focus, targeted, firmly keep the interests of the border.
Pay attention to the implementation of the system. The current system will be intensively combed and combined with local realities to further clarify the priorities and measures for preventing conflicts of interest. First, we must implement the system hierarchy requirements. Taking publicity as the premise, evading requirements and handling as measures, considering interest disclosure, benefit avoidance, and conflict handling as an organic whole, and fully integrating information disclosure, interest avoidance, major event reporting, and separation restriction, etc. Progressive and organically connected closed loops give full play to the overall effectiveness of the system. Second, we must explore the construction of special systems. Establish a sound system of avoidance of interests, strictly implement the requirements of avoidance, geographical avoidance, avoidance of personnel, and avoidance of official duties, and gradually include partners, close friends, and specific relationships among the avoidance category, and truly block the path of conflicts of interests and interest transfer. Conscientiously implement the system of leading cadres' reports on personal matters, introduce scientific and technological means, integrate supervision resources, improve the supervision mechanism, and further improve the level of cadre management and supervision. Localities with conditions may also rely on the financial and securities markets to establish innovatively the systems of trusts and agents for conflicts of interest assets. Third, we must strengthen system supervision and inspection. The prevention of conflicts of interest is listed as an important part of the evaluation of the responsibility system for building a clean and honest government, and comprehensive measures such as accountability inspections, inspection inspections, post-risk prevention and control, and special treatment are used to comprehensively strengthen comprehensive supervision and ensure the effective implementation of related systems. Accelerate the establishment of a provincial, city, and county level three-tiered network of party members and cadres' honest information bases, widely implement the system of honesty and public announcements, public statements, and public opinions, and constantly expand the channels and channels for public participation in preventing conflicts of interest.
Rely on deepening reforms. The allocation of public resources, trading of public assets, and production of public goods have been the key areas for preventing conflicts of interest. The principle of "system + technology" has been adhered to, and reforms and innovations have been accelerated, and efforts have been made to build a transparent and transparent market operation mechanism for the "three publics" sector. First, we must optimize the allocation of public resources. Explore the establishment of a social decision-making mechanism for public projects, improve the supervision system for government investment projects, reasonably define the scope of investment, and constantly regulate the management of funds to ensure optimal allocation of public resources. We must gradually liberalize access restrictions and attract social capital to participate in public undertakings through franchising, investment grants, etc., and constantly increase the fairness and transparency of market competition. Second, we must optimize the trading of public assets. Further improve the construction of tendering and bidding platform, and gradually promote the public trading of all public assets. Strengthen the tendering process and follow-up management, reduce human interference factors, and resolutely correct the phenomenon of "black-box operation." Strengthen the supervision of intermediary institutions, strengthen self-discipline in the industry, accelerate the construction of a social credit system, and provide a good environment and soil for preventing conflicts of interest. Third, we must optimize the production of public goods. Closely link key links such as administrative licensing and administrative law enforcement, continuously standardize behaviors, optimize services, and promote public service quality, speed, and efficiency. We will further promote the integration of administrative examination and approval functions and focus on reforms, accelerate the improvement of the public service system, and further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval matters. Vigorously promote the standardization of administrative punishment, standardize and refine the discretionary standards, effectively solve the “identical cases of different punishments”, and rent-seeking cases, and continuously increase the credibility of law enforcement. At the same time, it is necessary to speed up the establishment of various types of electronic platforms such as administrative services, administrative examination and approval, public resource transactions, public fund supervision, social credit systems, and administrative efficiency supervision, and gradually realize that “power will operate in the sun, resources will be deployed in the market, and funds Supervision on the Internet."
Strengthen the construction of the wind. The unhealthy trend of the industry is, in essence, the generalization of conflicts of interest in different industries. Therefore, to prevent conflicts of interest, we must attach great importance to the construction of the wind. First, we must implement departmental responsibilities. Judging from the current situation, some industry competent authorities are not subjectively willing to prevent conflicts of interest, the responsibility has not been implemented, and the provisions of implementation of a discount, resulting in the industry's "hidden rules" prevail, and crimes prone to make multiple cases. It is necessary to explore and establish an effective assessment and incentive mechanism, implement industry responsibilities, stimulate internal motivation, and form a work pattern in which the party committee and government take the lead and the industrial sector actively participates. Second, we must clarify the code of conduct. In close combination with the characteristics of the industry, in-depth analysis and analysis of the key points of conflict of interest, improve the construction of internal control mechanisms at all levels, and gradually form a good mechanism for each position of power control, process specification, and a reasonable process. Third, we must ensure that the people are satisfied. Efforts will be made to strengthen service systemization, service standardization and service branding, and launch the series of “satisfaction with the masses” in an all-round way. Through the implementation of service commitments, admiration and mass supervision, etc., we will open doors, strengthen democratic supervision, and continuously improve the level of construction And the satisfaction of the people. Regarding the use of power to seek personal gains and compete with the people for various outstanding issues, we must dare to take bold measures and resolutely handle them so as to avoid the spread of unhealthy trends.
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Cosmetic Slide Blister Packaging

Slide Blister Packaging

Sliding card blister refers to a packaging form in which a paper card and a transparent blister folded over three sides are inserted together. Its characteristic is that it does not require any packaging equipment during packaging, and only requires workers to put the product, blister and paper card in place That's it.

The issues that should be noted are:

1. The size of the paper card and the folded blister is appropriate. If they are inserted too tightly, the paper card and the blister will be deformed; if they are too loose, they will be easily separated.

2. When the product is too heavy, consider fixing the paper card and the blister at a certain position with staples.

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