Market Significance of Man-Made Stone - Shenzhen Artificial Stone Processing Fulibao Building Materials

1) Economic Significance Man-made stone uses the huge amount of waste generated from the exploitation of natural stone as the main raw material of man-made stone, and turns waste into treasure to produce man-made stone, and produces more architectural decoration materials than natural stone, which undoubtedly has enormous economic significance. .
2) Social Significance The industrial cluster formed around the development of man-made stone industry can absorb a large number of people's employment and promote the development of regional economy. Undoubtedly, it has great social significance; the concept of environmental protection promoted and manifested by man-made stone is a social progress. The deepening of people's minds and the concept of circular economy are even more significant.
3) Environmental significance Stone mines have brought more than 70% of waste stone materials. Dealing with these waste rock materials or occupying land for landfilling or landfilling has damaged a large number of valuable land and turned stone resources into a major environmental hazard. These waste rock materials were selected to produce a part of handicrafts, colored stone sand grains, and high-white marble wastes to produce some light heavy calcium carbonates, but there were no effective economically valuable methods to use them. In the various mining areas where tens of miles are spread, there are various shards of scum and debris that can be seen everywhere, filling the ravine, and destroying the environment is also prone to the formation of mudslides. The rise of the artificial stone industry has found a way out for a complete solution to this problem.
The wear-resisting artificial stone wall and floor tiles are made of natural stone ore and waste stone produced during mining. Due to the small color difference, rich colors, and natural stone wear resistance, the water is not slippery and decorative. The effect is beautiful, high-grade and other advantages, developed countries have been widely used in architectural decoration and other fields. Turning waste into treasure is of great significance.

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