Do not start to deal with water and extinguishment

On the evening of June 24th, a sudden rainstorm caused the city of Hangzhou to flood the Jinshan Mountains. There were netizens shouting and the city was driving like a boat.

Heavy rain weather is also a test for cars. If not handled properly, besides the engine failure, problems such as wipers, paint, exhaust pipes, and circuit boards will follow.

On the morning of June 25th, the reporter visited several 4S shops in Hangzhou. The master of the auto repair workshop was busy handling a smashing vehicle. In their opinion, there are many problems that can be completely avoided.

The wading traffic didn’t know how to get on the road

Turn off and don't start again

On the day of the torrential rain, the reporter passed Wenyi West Road. Many roads had no knees. Some good drivers used to stop at the roadside, and so on. But some of the stronger drivers, the Overlord, hardened the bow. This has brought trouble to myself.

Yesterday morning, the reporter interviewed Ma Fusheng, technical director of Dongpu Nissan Yuantong Gangchang franchise store. In Master Ma's view, driving habits are very important, especially for some novices. Many problems are handled properly and some troubles can be avoided completely.

Some readers think that the faster you can drive when wading, the better? Master Ma said that this idea is not to be allowed. If conditions permit, you can measure the depth of the water first. If you have not passed the position of the calf, do not take this risk. You cannot make a mistake and the car is flooded. The repair fee is not a few hundred dollars. Things.

Of course, there are times when you will encounter "unlucky" things. Master Zhong's colleague Xiao Zhong told reporters that he drove home on the night of the 24th and drove to Pingshui Road because of the deeper water in the road. He was also very cautious, but he did not expect that halfway through the driveway, the opposite driveway would face a car and run over it. A wave hit him in front of his head, which was troublesome and the air inlet was wet.

Master Ma also reminded riders that if they suddenly turn off during the wading journey, they must not start again. If they are restarted, they may cause the engine to be scrapped. “If this repair is done, it’s not a few hundred dollars. There are thousands of things to get."

In addition, Master Ma also reminded everyone that if there is water in the cockpit, it must go to a professional maintenance point for processing. If it is not dealt with in time, it will lead to corrosion of some of the circuit joints inside, which will bring hidden dangers to the safety of driving in the future.

Improper wading driving

Insurance company does not pay claims

In the past, reporters had also received similar complaints. As a result of water-driven driving, the engine was turned off and started again, causing the engine to be scrapped. In this case, after the insurance company determines it, it will not pay compensation.

Some insurance company claims manager told reporters in private that in this case, the engine case was broken, which was usually caused by the car wading and turning off and then forcibly igniting. This kind of behavior was recognized by the insurance company as intentional destruction of the car, so it was not in general. Car damage insurance.

In the interview, the reporter learned that, except for some insurance companies that do not provide insurance for engine flooding, local insurance companies also set up additional insurance coverage for wading loss insurance beyond the scope of vehicle damage insurance. Water is compensated after it has been damaged.

To this end, the reporter also specifically interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Pacific Insurance Company. According to their experience, when they found out that the water was out of flame, the owner should get out of the car, open the hood, open the air grid, and carefully inspect the air filter, if If the water gets wet, it should be immediately processed at the 4S shop or insurance company.

In addition, the person also reminded the owner that there are more rainy weather in the south of the Yangtze River and he may wish to buy a wading insurance for his car in the future.

Silicone Leather

Silicone leather Silicone leather for outdoor equipment

Silicone leather for public facilities

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Changzhou Dahua-Luckypower ,