Land area measuring instrument to measure the accuracy of irregular land

Precise land area plays an important guiding role in the development of land resources, but due to human long-term activities and natural influences, the properties of land have complex and irregular existence. In order to be able to determine the area of ​​land ownership, different measures need to be taken for different conditions. The common methods used in the past are the edge and coordinate. With the continuous advancement of modern science and technology, the use of scientific and technological equipment for the measurement is now and in the future. For this reason, the recommended use of a land area meter is the most correct choice.

A survey area is an irregular graphic area surrounded by a curved edge and a number of straight edges, surrounded by dotted lines. The rectilinear edge is the outer edge of the wall and there is a clear boundary line, but outside the wall is a yard, the wire cannot pass outside the wall; the curve boundary is defined by the railway center line to the measuring area Qiao Mi, there is no obvious boundary, and the theoretical boundary line The unevenness is not conducive to setting up the instrument. The railway belongs to a factory dedicated railway and is used less frequently. From the point A, the railway line begins to enter the transition curve section. The road surface gradually rises above the ground plane from point A, and reaches the point B almost 5 meters above the ground level.

Measurements were made using wire surveys as a basic control. Along the centerline of the railway, wire points were set every 10 to 20 meters, depending on the curvature of the curve. For straight boundaries, set the wire points near the straight boundary points. Connect the wire points to a closed wire loop. According to the relevant method of wire measurement, the coordinates of each wire point in any independent coordinate system are measured. According to the coordinate of the wire point, the coordinate of the boundary boundary point is determined by the polar coordinate method. Determination of boundary coordinates of boundary features of curve segments. Because the curve boundary of the survey area is about six meters away from the center line of the railway, the boundary feature point corresponding to the conductor point should be located at the point where the normal of the curve is a few meters away from the conductor point. Measure the coordinates of the boundary points of the corresponding features, first determine the actual location, and there is a calibration boundary point error. This error comes from two aspects: normalized error and normal vector error. If the normal direction is rigorously calibrated, in addition to knowing the curve design parameters, the line must be measured in detail, and then the normal direction at a certain point can be obtained through complex calculations. This is not only tedious, but it is generally not necessary.

Area measurement is a problem that often needs to be solved in the process of agricultural development. When it comes to a certain project, the measurement plans adopted are different. It is worth considering whether or not to use a land area measurement instrument. It needs to be combined with actual production and selected according to local conditions. However, it can be clearly stated that the application of the land area measuring instrument will inevitably reduce some of the hassle of measurement work and make it more convenient for today's survey work.

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