Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coal-fired Power Plant Environmental Protection Project passed

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coal-fired Power Plant Environmental Protection Project passed

“Coal can be completely transformed into clean energy.” This is the judgment made by the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the chairman of Shenhua Group, Zhang Yuzhuo. Sun Ping, general manager of Shenhua Guohua Electric Power Research Institute, said in an interview with reporters that “if China's coal-fired units are undergoing 'near-zero-emissions' environmental protection technology transformation, the country’s dust emissions will be reduced by 95%, and sulfur dioxide emissions will be reduced by 94%. Nitrogen oxide emissions will be reduced by 92%. Coal is no longer a dream to become a clean energy source."

Acceptance: Coal-fired unit emissions are superior to gas-fired units

August 15, Yanjiao Town, Sanhe, Hebei, blue sky and white clouds, sunny. The first “National Demonstration Project for Coal-fired Power Plant Environmental Protection Demonstration Project” was held in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and a press conference was held at Shenhua Guohua Sanhe Power Plant. At the press conference, Hebei Provincial Energy Bureau announced that Guohua Sanhe Power Plant No. 1 unit passed the acceptance test and became the first “near-zero-emission” coal-fired unit in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei that met the gas unit emission standards.

Guohua Sanhe Power Plant No. 1 unit environmental protection demonstration project is one of the 13 environmental demonstration projects for coal-fired power units identified by the National Energy Administration in 2014. The expert group organized by the Hebei Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Environmental Protection Department unanimously agreed that the environmental protection demonstration project passed the acceptance. The acceptance opinion states: 1. The technical route of the demonstration project is feasible; 2. The emission of atmospheric pollutants of the project meets and is better than the thermal power boiler and gas turbine in the key areas in the table of “Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Thermal Power Plants” (G B13223-2011). Group special emission limits for air pollutants; Third, the project has played a typical role in the environmental protection transformation of coal-fired power plants in key state-controlled regions such as Jing-Jin-Ji, which can be popularized and applied in coal-fired units.

The environmental emission monitoring report issued by the Hebei Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center Station (Shanhuan Railway Station Word [2014] No. 153) shows that the measured data of atmospheric pollutants emitted after the renovation of Unit 1 of Sanhe Power Plant is: dust emission concentration of 5.0mg/m 3 , Sulfur dioxide emission concentration 9.0mg/m 3, nitrogen oxide emission concentration 35.0m g/m 3, special emission of air pollutants of thermal power boilers and gas turbine units that meets and is superior to the "Emission Standards for Air Pollutants of Thermal Power Plants" Limits require continuous safe and stable operation after the equipment is put into operation.

According to Meng Jian, director of the news and propaganda department of Shenhua Group and the spokesman of Meng Jian, the “Near Zero Emissions” environmental protection renovation project of the Sanhe 1 coal-fired unit is not only a demonstration project of the national coal-fired unit environmental protection reform, but also an important practice for Shenhua Group to fulfill its social responsibilities. . He said that in the face of increasingly severe environmental problems, Shenhua Group fully promoted the "clean and efficient use of coal," and systematically integrated advanced environmental protection and emission reduction technologies at home and abroad to promote the "near-zero emission" development target of coal-fired units.

The commissioning of the “Zero-emissions Zero Unit” unit of Guohua Sanhe was put into operation. It was Shenhua Group’s implementation of the environmental protection reform for the existing units since the 4th unit of Guohua Zhoushan Power Plant was put into production as the first newly-built “near-zero discharge” coal-fired unit in China. Another important achievement.” Meng Jian said that up to this point, Shenhua Guohua’s new “near-zero discharge” technology line for newly-built and in-service unit rebuilding has fully opened up, which indicates that Shenhua Group’s “clean and efficient use of coal” technology has achieved major breakthroughs.

Demonstration significance: Shenhua "near zero emission" technology worth promoting

"On June 27 this year, the Energy Bureau selected 13 coal-fired units nationwide as demonstration projects for environmental protection. As one of the demonstration projects, Shenhua Guohua Sanhe's Unit 1 has been transformed most rapidly." Officials from the National Energy Administration Sun He revealed that by the end of this year, the National Energy Administration will compare the technical routes of all the demonstration and transformation units and select the best ones for promotion and application throughout the country.

The reporter noted in the interview that Guohua Zhoushan Power Plant No. 4 newly-built unit and Sanhe Power Plant No. 1 active-duty unit each have a capacity of 350,000 kilowatts, and its “near-zero-emissions” technical transformation route has a different installed capacity across the country. Does the crew have a demonstration and promotion value? Sun Ping, general manager of Shenhua Guohua Electric Power Research Institute gave a positive answer.

According to Sun Ping, No. 1 generating unit of Sanhe Power Plant has creatively integrated several industry-leading energy-saving and environmental protection technologies in environmental protection renovation, and established “the installation of low-temperature economizers, high-frequency power supply for electrostatic precipitators, desulphurization, capacity expansion and efficiency transformation. The overall technical route for the transformation of the wet electrostatic precipitator and the modification of the flue gas exhaust system has achieved the goal of near-zero emission of pollutants through coordinated control of dust removal, desulfurization, and denitrification facilities. This is a reference for all coal-fired power plant environmental protection renovations. And learn from value.

“The renovation project of No. 1 unit of Sanhe Power Plant is of great significance.” This was evaluated by many experts including Qin Yuzheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Sun Shaozeng, director of the National Engineering Laboratory for Coal-fired Pollutant Emission Reduction at Harbin Institute of Technology. They believe that under the background of vigorous national air pollution control, compared with the commissioning of new units, the implementation of environmental protection reform for existing coal-fired units is a project with greater investment, greater scale, and greater difficulty. The opening of the “near-zero-emissions” environmental protection technology line for Sanhe Power Plant’s existing duty unit No. 1 not only provided a viable path for the integrated environmental governance of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, but also provided a demonstration model for the environmental protection reform of domestic thermal power units.

Qin Yuxi said that on the one hand, from the perspective of China’s energy structure, natural gas is a scarce resource and should be given priority in the lives of the people. China’s power generation also depends mainly on coal; on the other hand, China is facing severe environmental pressures. Therefore, the only way to solve the current energy and environmental issues is the clean and efficient use of coal. Shenhua's "near-zero emission" coal-fired technology is a major breakthrough in solving energy and environmental problems. The environmental protection transformation of No. 1 generating unit of Sanhe Power Plant has already reached a fairly high level. It is technically feasible and the economic investment is also acceptable.

Central Enterprise Responsibilities: Coal can be fully converted to clean energy

“Coal can be completely transformed into clean energy.” This is the judgment made by the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Zhang Yuzhuo, chairman of the Shenhua Group. At the Shenhua Group's first-half economic analysis meeting held on July 21 this year, he pointed out that from the international point of view, many developed countries with extremely high environmental requirements, such as the United States and Germany, are also making heavy use of coal. The key is To achieve clean utilization, and from Shenhua's practice of "near-zero-emission" coal-fired units, coal can also be used to efficiently use clean conversion.

When talking about the promotion value and environmental benefits of the “near-zero emission” technology, Sun Ping, general manager of the Shenhua Guohua Electric Power Research Institute, told reporters “If China's coal-fired generating units are all undergoing 'near-zero-emissions' environmental protection technology reforms, the nation’s dust emissions The reduction will be 95%, sulfur dioxide emissions will be reduced by 94%, and nitrogen oxide emissions will be reduced by 92%."

However, the clean utilization of coal, especially the environmental protection of coal-fired units requires capital investment. According to Zhang Yi, general manager of Shenhua Guohua Sanhe Power Plant, the total investment in the "near-zero-emission" environmental protection technology of Sanhe Unit 1 is about 190 million yuan. Calculated from the investment and operating costs, “near-zero emissions” will increase by approximately 0.5 cents on the basis of a standard emission energy cost of 2.7 cents (1.5 cents for desulfurization, 1 cent for denitrification, and 0.2 cents for general dust removal).

“The increase in electricity cost by 0.5 cents is not a small amount.” Meng Jian told reporters, but Shenhua Group actively fulfilled its social responsibilities, continued to increase environmental protection investment, and launched a “high-quality green power generation plan” in the power sector. Click Here In the next three years, we plan to implement “near-zero-emissions” technological transformation for all existing service units, and strive to achieve the goal of “building an internationally-renowned clean energy supplier” for Shenhua.

In this regard, an expert attending the symposium on the environmental transformation of Unit 1 of Sanhe Power Plant pointed out that Shenhua Group’s "green power generation plan" is worthy of appreciation. However, to achieve the goal of “near-zero-emission” coal-fired power plant environmental protection reform throughout the country, it also needs corresponding policy support. He said that under the new circumstances of the structural adjustment of the country’s economic development and the strengthening of atmospheric pollution control, the promotion of “near-zero-emission” coal-fired efficient and clean utilization technology will be a revolution for the entire coal-fired power industry.

It is understood that Zhejiang, as the earliest province in the country to propose "near-zero emissions" of coal power, is due on May 22 this year to present the "Measures for the New Round of Management and Assessment of Desulfurization, Denitrification, and Dedusting of Coal-fired Power Generation Units in Zhejiang Province". "Clearly proposed an incentive policy," the provincial coal-fired generator set can achieve ultra-low emission standards in the year, and at the beginning of the year, pre-arrangement of the average annual power generation plan for 200 hours according to the average capacity of ultra-low emission units."

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