Gas cutting system for laser cutting machine

With the development of modern machinery processing industry, the requirements for the quality and precision of cutting have been continuously improved, and the requirements for improving production efficiency, reducing production costs, and having high-efficiency automatic cutting functions are also increasing. As a part of the cutting machine industry, the products we provide will be the most modern and technological. Welcome everyone to discuss cooperation. Details:/
The gas path of the laser cutting machine has two parts, one is the cutting gas supplied to the cutting head, and the other is clean and dry compressed air, high purity oxygen and high purity nitrogen. The other part is auxiliary gas, all of which are clean and dry compressed air. The cylinder including the clamping table uses positive pressure dust removal gas and light path.
For compressed air, the gas from the compressor enters the air-control cabinet through the air tank and the dryer. After passing through a precision air-handling system, it turns into a clean, dry gas. It is divided into three channels, one for the cutting gas, All the way to use the gas as a cylinder, and the other as a light pressure dust removal gas path. Its use pressure is adjusted by the corresponding pressure regulator.
Cutting gas is divided into three kinds of gases: compressed air, oxygen and nitrogen, and these three gases can be selected according to different requirements. Compressed air is mainly used for the cutting of non-metallic flammable materials such as stencils and PVC; oxygen is mainly used to cut ordinary carbon steel, and nitrogen is mainly used to cut stainless steel and alloy steel. Different cutting machine gases are selected for different materials. In addition, because of the installation of pressure sensors in the cutting gas system, it is ensured that the machine tool can stop working when the gas pressure is not enough, thus avoiding scrapping of the cut parts. The pressure threshold can be set by the upper screw of the pressure sensor. The compressed air and oxygen used for cutting can also be adjusted by the program control proportional valve.
Compressed air acts on the machine:
1. Drive the clamping cylinder to clamp the worktable and keep the workbench from moving during the cutting process so that the cutting can be performed smoothly.
2, into the optical path, so that the optical system in the course of work to maintain a positive air pressure, to avoid dust when cutting into the optical system, to avoid lens contamination, effectively protect the lens, extending the life of the lens.
3, used to remove dust in the cutting, clean the cutting surface.
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Editor: zgqgjjyw

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