Focus on the 12th Five-Year Exploring the Development of Instrument Industry

On October 15, the fifth plenary session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was scheduled to be held in Beijing from October 15th to 18th. Research on the formulation of the twelfth five-year plan for national economic and social development is one of the major agenda items of the conference. The plan clearly states that: nurture and develop strategic emerging industries, strengthen policy support and planning guidance, strengthen research and development of core key technologies, break through key areas, and actively and orderly develop next-generation information technology, energy conservation and environmental protection, new energy, biological and high-end equipment manufacturing, New materials, new energy vehicles and other industries will accelerate the formation of leading and pillar industries, and effectively increase the core competitiveness and economic benefits of the industry.

As an instrument and meter industry that is inextricably linked to seven new strategic industries such as the Internet of Things, smart grids, and high-end equipment manufacturing, how can we correctly grasp the international environment and the increasingly complex competitive environment in the next five years under the guidance of the country's policies? Your own direction of development, find a suitable development path for yourself?

First of all, the industry must firmly grasp the mainstream economic development direction of green environmental protection and low-carbon economy, and integrate environmental protection concepts with product design and technological upgrading. Instrumentation has the characteristics of “three highs and three lows”—high technology, high input, high output, low energy consumption, low material consumption, and low pollution. Many products are combined with technology intensive and labor intensive. The development of a low-carbon economy is bound to drive up the demand for instrumentation.

Second, we must pay attention to research and development of our own products and continue to make breakthroughs. At present, 60% of scientific research instruments in China rely on imports, and 25% of the funds will be spent each year on scientific instruments. China has become a battlefield for multinational instrument companies to compete for. Instruments and meters are strategic emerging industries. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the state will attach importance to the support of innovative scientific instruments and increase support for domestic scientific instruments.

Furthermore, industry products should seize opportunities to move closer to the smart grid and the Internet of Things. The 12th Five-Year Plan clearly supports and supports the construction of the Internet of Things. Instrumentation is an important basic supporting technology and industry for the development of strategic emerging industries. The development of hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, solar power and other new energy sources as well as smart grids, measurement and control systems are an important part of the stable, efficient and safe operation of power stations and power grids. The formulation, composition analysis, molecular structure determination, and tissue image analysis of new materials are inseparable from the application of large scientific instruments and on-line analytical instruments. In the coming years, the Internet of Things and intelligence will have a great market for us. Like electrical and electronic instruments can be approached in this area, intelligent technology also allows the instrumentation industry to transform into high-end manufacturing.

Finally, industry companies attach importance to the changes in the environment and their own companies. Scholars pointed out that in the next five years, the international competition environment and the domestic competitive environment will become more complicated. As users put forward more and higher requirements on the performance of instrument and meter products, only when the company respects the feelings of customers and puts customers first, on the basis of this, it can timely adjust the business strategy of the company in order to compete in the competition. Constantly break through self.


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