Corrosion Inhibitor Manufacturers Say: Use Lithium Bromide Scale Inhibitors to Cleanse Astray

Today I saw a piece of news that a college in Hebei Province used students as human shields. The reason for this was that due to the outbreak of land acquisition fees between the hospital and villagers, the students were then notified to go to the “fences” and the relationship between the students and the school was so ? Then, the relationship between customers and manufacturers will develop in this way? Everything is two-sided. It is not possible to judge the quality of one thing or the degree of positive or negative influence from just one's point of view. What's more important is how to solve the problem instead of creating more problems and troubles around this problem! For example: Central air-conditioning professional cleaning manufacturers say central air-conditioning needs cleaning, and you think that scaling, microbial debris is a normal phenomenon. From a professional point of view, what you need to do is how to prevent the increase of fouling conditions, pollutants, and microorganisms, rather than increase the severity of this condition, so as to ensure the normal operation and efficient operation of the equipment. In short: prevent unexpected situations from happening, and avoid incidents from deteriorating! When it comes to the research and development, production, and sales of water treatment chemicals, we are talking about the use of pharmaceuticals for central air-conditioning products. As a scale inhibitor and corrosion inhibitor manufacturer, we [Henan Haolin Water Technology Co., Ltd.] are not strange. The lithium bromide scale inhibitor is also just one of the water treatment products. In view of the use of lithium bromide solution, if the operation is not appropriate, so that the "lithium bromide unit" goes astray, leading to lithium bromide central air conditioning has become the main back! So, how can we avoid "misguided" for the use of lithium bromide solution? First, the product has a certain understanding: Products include: their own lithium bromide units, manufacturers of lithium bromide scale inhibitor. Understand the habits of your products or the causes and frequency of failures, and the taboos of the nature of the equipment; Know the manufacturer's products is for better use with their own lithium bromide units to meet actual needs and work together Complementary; Second, know what they will get: For the use of lithium bromide anti-fouling agent, the latter will give yourself or equipment what kind of effect, but also in which aspects of lithium bromide cleaning benefits? For example: Lithium bromide air conditioner special scale inhibitor HL-226 can effectively solve the long-disturbed condenser copper tube clogging problem, maintain the cleanliness of the copper tube surface; In addition, extended equipment maintenance cycle. Third, to understand the amount of regular dosing: Although my company in the customer procurement of lithium bromide anti-fouling agent, will inform the relevant drug amount to add the recommended amount is 200 ~ 500ppm, but the specific situation will have the relevant technical personnel in accordance with the actual situation of the customer after analysis Determine, and provide relevant analysis results and dosing scheme. Not every customer applies this lithium bromide antiscalant dose recommendation. You only need to add according to the amount of dosing that the technician instructs you to use. Do not use too much to enhance the effect, or reduce the amount of addition to save costs. Presumably you also know that it is good choice and result that suits you! Fourth, some understanding of the use of the method: nothing to know will only bring more or more trouble to yourself, if you say that lithium bromide solution dosing equipment material can not use iron, and you are biased to use the material is iron automatic Dosing equipment, why should you? The correct lithium bromide air conditioning special scale inhibitor HL-226 can be used as the original solution or after dilution. The dosing pump can be used to continuously drive into the bottom of the water tank, the cooling water line, and the spray pool. The dilution can use soft water and condensed water. The material of automatic dosing equipment is mainly stainless steel, polyethylene, polypropylene or PVC. Taboo matters, do not contradict it! If you do not want lithium bromide units and central air conditioners to be backed up, then when using lithium bromide air conditioner antiscalants for related cleaning, you need to pay attention to the correct method of use and increase the understanding of the corresponding issues, and do not know nothing about them!

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