Automotive Industry Solar Industry Drives PMMA Demand Growth

Drying equipment

China Drying Network News In recent years, the growth rate of demand for MMA in Asia is significantly higher than the economic growth in the region, while demand in Europe and the United States is basically the same as the economic growth rate. MMA is mainly used to produce polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and coatings, of which the electronics industry accounts for about 40% of PMMA's total demand. The rapid development of the electronic product market will further boost the demand for PMMA. In addition, the automotive industry and the solar energy industry are also driving the growth of PMMA demand. According to forecasts by Japan's Mitsubishi Synthetic Fiber Company, due to the rapid growth in global demand for MMA (methyl methacrylate), and the non-synchronous growth in supply, it is expected that by 2014, the current production will be in short supply and the supply gap will reach 200,000 tons.

It is reported that the large-scale MMA project of Mitsubishi Synthetic Fiber and Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) joint venture in the Middle East will be put into operation by the end of 2014 or early 2015, when the global supply shortage will be eased. However, as the global economy resumes growth, the demand for MMA will further expand, and the supply tightening will likely occur again in 2 to 3 years. The global MMA supply growth rate will continue to lag behind demand growth from 2018 to 2020.

It is understood that in 2011 the global MMA supply and demand balance, the demand is about 3.3 million tons, of which Asia demand is 1.8 million to 185 million tons, China accounted for 400,000 tons.

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