Zhenhua introduced the Russian technology to develop electric centrifugal pumps

Since the spring of 2006, China-Russia intergovernmental cooperation project invested by Merlin Group with a total investment of 250 million yuan has started. The first 25,000 tons of organic silicon plant in Jiangsu entered the phase of project completion and will be put into operation in the first half of this year. It is learned that at present, eight projects of cooperation with Russia in Taizhou have been included in the international cooperation in science and technology plan of Jiangsu Province.

Taizhou City, Russia's science and technology cooperation as the focus of foreign cooperation, and constantly strengthen technical cooperation with the Russian scientific research institutes, a number of new products and new highlights of the frequent. Merlin Group and the Russian Institute of Chemical and Organic Compound developed a "silicone monomer" was included in the Sino-Russian government inter-governmental cooperation plan for international cooperation; Taizhou Chemical Industry New Materials Industrial Park was included in the national Torch Program Jiangsu and Jiangsu high-tech cooperation in science and technology with Russia base. The city and the Russian Institute of Chemical and Organic Compounds also jointly promote the Taizhou New Chemical Materials Industrial Park signed a cooperation agreement, the current number of enterprises into the zone reached six. The park will focus on the development of silicone and organic fluorine two series of products, and strive to total output value of 4 billion yuan next year, the overall strength and competitiveness into the ranks of the domestic advanced park.

Since the end of 2005, Taizhou has another new electric centrifugal pump developed by Jiangsu Zhenhua Pump Co., Ltd. and "Marine Halogen-Free Flame-Retardant PE Series Pipeline" developed by Jingjiang Haihong Plastic Co., Ltd. They are included in provincial-level international Scientific and technological cooperation plan. Among them, the Zhenhua pump industry introduced the Russian technology development of "electric centrifugal pump", has reached the international advanced level.

Drying Equipment Series

Drying equipment is a crucial component in many industries, including food processing, pharmaceuticals, and chemical manufacturing. These machines are designed to remove moisture from materials and products, which can help to increase their shelf life, improve their quality, and reduce their weight.

There are many different types of drying equipment available on the market today, each with its own unique set of features and benefits. Some of the most common types include air dryers, rotary dryers, fluidized bed dryers, and freeze dryers.

Air dryers are the simplest and most affordable type of drying equipment. They work by blowing hot air over the surface of the material or product being dried, which causes the moisture to evaporate. Rotary dryers are similar to air dryers, but they use a rotating drum to agitate the material and improve the drying process.

Fluidized bed dryers are a more advanced type of drying equipment that use a bed of hot air to suspend and dry the material being processed. This allows for faster and more efficient drying, as well as improved product quality.

Freeze dryers are a specialized type of drying equipment that are used primarily in the pharmaceutical industry. They work by freezing the material being dried and then removing the moisture through a process called sublimation.

Regardless of the type of drying equipment used, it is important to choose a machine that is well-suited to the specific needs of your industry and application. Factors to consider when selecting a drying machine include the type and volume of material being processed, the required level of moisture removal, and the available space and resources for installation and operation.

Overall, drying equipment is an essential tool for many industries, and can help to improve product quality, reduce waste, and increase efficiency. With so many different types of machines available on the market today, it is important to carefully evaluate your options and choose a machine that will meet your specific needs and requirements.

Drying Equipment Series,Vacuum Paddle Dryer,Disc Dryer,Blade Dryer

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