Xiangfan Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone: "Innovation Cluster" Traction Urban Economy

Xiangfan in the early winter is still green. If you want to find the most dynamic and modern part of this historical and cultural city, the high-tech industrial development zone is the first choice. In the interview for a few days, the riotous innovations in Xiangfan High-tech Zone made the reporters feel at ease:

———— Dongfeng Zhongjia Passenger Car independently developed by Dongfeng Xiangfan Wagon Company was recently recognized as the National Torch Plan Project in 2006 and became one of the few passenger cars selected in China. This is the first high-level secondary central passenger car under 9 meters in China that fully owns independent intellectual property rights, filling the gap in domestic technology. Since the 10th Five-Year Plan period, there have been more than 1,700 technological innovations like this in the Xiangfan Hi-tech Zone, among which 54 items have been listed in the National Torch Plan and 120 items have independent intellectual property rights.

—— On October 31st, the “National IP Pilot Park” was unveiled here. Xiangfan Hi-tech Zone became the 2nd in Hubei Province and the 13th “National IP Pilot Park” in China. As of the end of 2005, the district had applied for 1,680 patents and 1,446 registered trademarks. In the next three years, more than 80% of high-tech enterprises in the region will have technologies and products with independent intellectual property rights.

—— On October 25th, 3000 car seat recliners of AVIC Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. were exported to the Middle East market. More than 80 products developed by the company all have independent intellectual property rights, and its car seat recliner accounts for half of the country. According to statistics, from January to September this year, enterprises in Xiangfan High-tech Zone achieved foreign exchange earnings of US$51.32 million, an increase of 70% year-on-year.

If it is not for field research, it is hard for reporters to believe that in a large agricultural market like Xiangfan, there will be a national high-tech zone with so many independent innovation achievements. Facing the new round of opportunities for building an innovative country, the Xiangfan Hi-tech Zone, which is immersed in hard work and steady ahead, has stood out at an eye-catching high spot in the wave of innovations in all parts of the country.

From agglomeration to cluster

Optimizing the industrial layout and gradually realizing the transformation from project aggregation to industrial clusters is the beginning of the “second venture” in Xiangfan Hi-tech Zone.

“The node where Xiangfan High-tech Zone began to accelerate its development in the “second venture” is the 'two-region merger' last year.” Liu Jinyuan, director of the management committee of the High-tech Zone, recalled the history of the development of the park.

The Xiangfan High-tech Zone, which was founded on November 9, 1992, has gone through an uneven journey. In 2003, the total industrial output value of the High-tech Zone was 12.6 billion yuan, ranking fourth in the country's 53 national-level high-tech zones. It once faced the embarrassing situation of being deprived of the "national high-tech zones."

Where is the road to development? The whole city of Xiangfan is thinking about this issue.

On February 20, 2005, it was a time of strong development in the history of Xiangfan High-tech Zone. On this day, with the approval of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the Xiangfan Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government formally announced that the original high-tech industrial development zone will be merged with the original automobile industry economic and technological development zone to form a new Xiangfan Hi-tech Zone.

"The purpose of combining the two development zones is to give full play to their advantages, integrate resources, enhance competitiveness, and make the High-tech Zone become an important growth pole for the economic and social development of Xiangfan and the construction of a sub-central city in the province." Xiangfan City Committee Secretary Tian Chengzhong told reporters that "in accordance with the scientific outlook on development, adhering to the principle of giving priority to efficiency, technological innovation, and intensive development is the starting point and end-result of accelerating the development of the Xiangfan Hi-tech Zone."

This is a major change in the development of Xiangfan High-tech Zone. Using this as a starting point, Xiangfan High-tech Zone began to do a "subtraction":

Management agencies are streamlined. Since the day of its establishment, the new Party Committee of the High-tech Zone Party Committee has taken the goal of constructing a new type of management system, adopting the methods of “competition, two-way selection, full employment, and dynamic management” to actively and steadily advance institutional reforms. Of the 25 districts in the high-tech zone, 13 non-service sectors were cancelled; most of the staff were transferred to the service sector to specialize in services for businesses, and the income was linked to the quality of service.

The industrial layout has been reduced. They will focus on the development of high-tech industries in the former Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone. In principle, they will no longer place other industrial projects; various types of industrial projects will be developed in the former auto industrial development zone, with emphasis on auto vehicles and their supporting parts and components; The Dengcheng Avenue in the park is the axis and vigorously develops the tertiary industries such as trade logistics. The formation of a two-park structure in one district has led to a rationalization of internal functional divisions and optimized the space for industrial development.

The scope of investment has been reduced. The selection of projects and industries is no longer "emerging on all sides" and the average force is used. Instead, they grasp the characteristics, highlight the key points, and change from "inviting investment" to "selecting commerce." The new investment guideline of the Development Zone clearly stated that it is necessary to further develop the “three bases”, ie the automotive vehicle, power, R&D and parts industrial bases led by Dongfeng Motor Company’s Xiangfan Base, with Hubei Xinhuaguang Information Materials Co., Ltd. as Leading the nation's largest R&D and production base for special optical glass, the largest research, design, experimental and manufacturing base for aviation lifesaving equipment in China, mainly including Hangyu Lifesaving Equipment Co., Ltd.; it is necessary to further form electromechanical integration, new materials, and energy saving. The four major high-tech fields with environmental protection, electronics and information are the focus of the industry development pattern. To this end, they set up a project review committee to establish a project access mechanism, focusing on the introduction of advanced scientific and technological achievements that have mastered key technologies, projects that are conducive to the formation and extension of industrial chains, and core enterprises that can make the industrial scale of the park expand rapidly.

“Advantage is the fulcrum of development, and the precondition for innovation is scientific positioning. Xiangfan High-tech Zone is located in a non-capital city in the central region. No matter whether it is funds or talents, there are no advantages compared to the parks in the eastern coastal areas. Under the circumstances, the development of the Hi-tech Zone must also highlight the characteristics of the industry. Only under the guidance of featured industries can it lead the development of the overall industry.” Li Yaochun, deputy secretary and deputy director of the High-tech Zone Management Committee, said, “The essence of doing these 'subtraction' is through Institutional and institutional innovations, building a platform for intensive development, thus transforming the economic growth model."

The result of "subtraction" is to quickly realize the improvement of economies of scale and enhance the agglomeration effect and radiation function of high-tech zones. Through meticulously guiding project gathering, vigorously promote industrial agglomeration, fully promote regional agglomeration, and rationally guide enterprises with strong industrial correlation, high degree of enterprise clustering, good basic conditions, and similar technology fields to regionalization and cluster development, and gradually implement the project. Gather to the transformation of industrial clusters. For example, with strong companies and chasing the sun as the leading company, we have gathered more than 30 non-governmental technological enterprises related to soft start, such as Tiangong, Zhongxin, Shixiang, etc., forming the largest soft start industry cluster in China, occupying not only 80 % of the market share, but also led the direction of the domestic soft-start product replacement.

At present, there are five industrial clusters listed in the “National First in the Industry” category in China, and there are five in the Xiangfan Hi-tech Zone. They are the nation’s largest automotive power production base, car seat recliner scientific research, production base, and aviation rescue. Equipment production base, vehicle adhesive production base and special optical glass production base.

From industrial clusters to innovation clusters

Innovation clusters are different from industrial clusters and form innovation clusters to enhance the core competitiveness of industrial clusters. This is the experience of Xiangfan High-tech Zone.

Ma Songde, deputy minister of science and technology, pointed out that innovation clusters and industrial clusters are different concepts. This is also a matter of great concern to the Xiangfan Hi-tech Zone. Through the accumulation in recent years, the industrial clusters in Xiangfan High-tech Zone have been established. The current problem lies in how to form innovative clusters, that is, to strengthen the core competitiveness of the industrial clusters.

To this end, Xiangfan High-tech Zone has established an overall strategy of “innovation, project development, industrial strength, and open living zones”. It insists that independent innovation is the basis of the district and the strength of the district, and gradually promotes technological innovation. The four major advantages:

First, talent advantages. The High-tech Zone has made great efforts to implement the talent strategy as the key link of independent innovation. At present, there are altogether 10,550 scientific and technological talents in the region, accounting for 26.37% of the total number of employees in the company, including 1,029 with senior professional titles and 81 experts enjoying state government subsidies.

The second is scientific and technological advantages. The High-tech Zone closely focuses on key industries and has introduced national and provincial key laboratories, large-scale enterprise research institutions, domestic and foreign R&D and innovation institutions to settle in the Hi-tech Zone, and established high-quality innovation and entrepreneurship platforms. There are 115 companies with specialized R&D institutions in the region, including 2 national-level institutes, 5 state-level R&D and testing centers, and 8 provincial R&D centers. At the same time, it actively guides and supports enterprises in the path of cooperation between industry, universities, and universities. Like Xinhuaguang's cooperation with domestic and foreign colleges and universities, research institutes, and advanced companies in the same industry, it successfully developed special optical glass and filled six gaps in the national high-tech field. The special optical glass series was evaluated by French science and technology quality supervision. The committee recommended high quality technology products and was allowed to enter the EU market freely.

The third is environmental advantages. In the High-tech Zone, there is a landmark architecture -- a national entrepreneurial center. This building is a high-tech zone invested to optimize the service function and help small and medium-sized technology companies overcome the difficulties of the initial stage of development. By the end of 2005, the Entrepreneurial Center had cumulatively absorbed 195 small and medium-sized technology companies, had 122 incubators, and had more than 320 incubators. The occupancy rate of enterprises was over 95%, and the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements was up 20% year-on-year. Jin Baofan, deputy director of the High-tech Zone Management Committee, told reporters that an incubator with a more complete service facility is currently under construction. It is estimated that the total investment will be 50 million yuan and the total construction area is 34,000 square meters. When completed, it will be the largest medium-sized and small-sized area in northwest Hubei Province. Technology entrepreneurship incubator base.

Fourth, policy advantages. High-tech zones are fully inclined to technological innovation-oriented enterprises and high-tech enterprises in formulating and implementing various policies and measures such as industrial policies, technology policies, and land policies. For example, for some R&D projects with great potential and good market prospects, the High-tech Zone adopts a “rolling support” approach, and from the “sprout” status, it has started to provide financial support year after year, making it a big tree. In the course of more than 10 years of development, the High-tech Zone has consistently supported its financial support. In response, Zhang Junhong, a veteran company manager, said: “These funds are undoubtedly a contribution to the innovation of enterprises and demonstrate the government’s attitude towards the support of high-tech enterprises. We are very grateful.” For some projects that require a lot of R&D funds, Gao Xin The district adopts a “bundling and support” approach. While actively striving for higher-level science and technology funds, the district-level finance also provides special funds to jointly support enterprise innovation.

Liu Jinyuan, director of the management committee of the High-tech Zone, emphasized that the cultivation of innovative clusters requires a good external environment. The main function of the government department is to provide enterprises with a transparent, open and fair competitive environment, so that companies can run up like horses, so that if the company is able to show up quickly, the direction of government support will be more clear. .

Technological innovation has made the Xiangfan High-tech Zone gradually become a truly high-tech gathering area. In the region, 163 high-tech enterprises have been aggregated, and companies from more than 20 countries and regions, including the United States, Japan, France, and Germany, including four Fortune 500 companies, have come to invest. In 2005, the total industrial output value of the whole district reached 30.7 billion yuan, an increase of 79.6%; the output value of high-tech enterprises was 22.5 billion yuan, an increase of 40% year-on-year; in the comprehensive ranking of 53 national high-tech zones, the Xiangfan Hi-tech Zone was from the previous year. 43 rose to 35.

Liu Jinyuan told reporters: “By carefully reviewing our exploration for more than 10 years, we have seen our own advantages and found a way out. In the past two years, we have begun to step into the fast lane and fight for another five years or so. Build the Xiangfan High-tech Zone into a high-tech industrial base with strong influence, strong strength and distinctive characteristics in China, and strive to be in the middle and upper reaches of the 53 national high-tech zones.”

Innovation Clusters Improve Development Quality

Improve the quality of economic development, which is the focus of economic development in Xiangfan High-tech Zone

During the interview, the reporter constantly heard the saying "core Xiangfan". What does that mean? In other words, the High-tech Zone is the core of Xiangfan’s economic development and the leading economic city in Xiangfan. In the “2010 Urban Development Master Plan” in Xiangfan City, the high-tech zone is located in the center of the city, and its important position is evident.

Judging from the current development trend, the Xiangfan High-tech Zone has gradually emerged as a leader in the urban economy. In 2005, the output value and added value of high-tech industries in Xiangfan City accounted for 40% and 31% of the city's total industrial output value and added value, respectively, indicating that 40% of Xiangfan's industrial economy comes from high-tech industries. Among the factors of industrial economic growth, high-tech industries account for one-third, which is far higher than other industries. From January to September of this year, the total industrial output value of the high-tech zones was 29.22 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.9%, of which high-tech enterprises realized industrial output value of 21.42 billion yuan, an increase of 21.9% year-on-year.

It is precisely for this reason that Tian Chengzhong, party secretary of Xiangfan City, has high expectations for the development of the High-tech Zone. “At present, over 80% of the industrial added value of Xiangfan City is created by the High-tech Zone. The High-tech Zone has built a highly concentrated resource for the economic development of Xiangfan City, and the development of the industry. Land use is an important platform for intensification. Xiangfan is a provincial sub-center city determined by the Hubei Provincial Government and a new type of automobile city. The main body of the construction of the Auto City is in the High-tech Zone.”

At present, Dongfeng Xiangfan Base has already formed an annual production capacity of 150,000 light commercial vehicles, 100,000 medium and high-end cars and 400,000 engines. In the next five years, Dongfeng will invest at least RMB 3.6 billion in the Xiangfan base for new model development, technological transformation, product upgrades, and production capacity enhancement. By 2010, the production and sales of cars at Dongfeng Xiangfan Base will reach 355,000 vehicles.

However, Tian Chengzhong turned to calmly point out that during the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period, it is necessary to further improve the quality of Xiangfan’s urban economic development. It is also necessary to accelerate the transition from an industrial cluster to an innovative cluster. In the process of cultivating innovation clusters, we cannot simply apply the method of fostering industrial clusters. In particular, in terms of economic indicators, innovation clusters need a more elaborate, forward-looking, and long-lasting assessment index. "The key is to assess the contribution of the industry to future development through the contribution rate of science and technology so that the input-output ratio of the land can be continuously improved."

Using this standard to measure, the High-tech Zone has soberly realized the urgency of continuously strengthening its independent innovation capabilities. “As a gathering area and demonstration area for technological innovation in the city, the High-tech Zone has 1042 new products developed during the 10th Five-Year Plan period, of which only 345 have independent intellectual property rights, especially core technologies, and technologies that truly have independent intellectual property rights. Only 10%, said the responsible comrade of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau.

Take the high-tech zone's brightest "business card" automotive industry, the phenomenon of convergence of product structure still exists, some companies have aging technology equipment, development platform is not high, the development of core components is weak, especially automotive electronics products, Lead to the weakening of the market's core competitiveness. How to improve the innovation ability of this industrial cluster? Xiang Hongji, director of the Xiangfan Automobile Office, told reporters that one of the practical ways is to rely on Dongfeng, seize the market trend of the gradual “localization” of joint venture auto parts, and use high technology to develop key auto parts products with comparative advantages. A batch of "specialized, refined, special, and new" parts and components enterprises have established specialized parts and components and parts of the industry system.

The advancement of Hubei China Aviation Precision Machinery has become an example in this regard. The company's main product, the car seat adjustment mechanism, was listed as a key component in the former State Ministry of Machinery's "China's auto parts development strategy." At the same time, it is also a fine punching industry and is an advanced manufacturing technology. When the company entered the industry at the very beginning, it also thought that it would cooperate with large international companies and introduce its mature technology, but it was rejected. Under this circumstance, AVIC Seiki made great efforts to study hard, and finally developed China's first hand-wheel seat recliner in 1994, and on this basis developed a Jetta car seat recliner. It created a precedent for the localization of recliners for car seats in China.

At present, the company has formed an annual production capacity of 1 million car seat recliners, 300,000 slides, 10 million fine pieces of the production scale, has become the largest car seat recliner scientific research, production base , Products occupy more than 50% of the domestic market share, almost covers more than 95% of the country's mid-to-high-end car models, and gradually entered the procurement system of several major multinational auto parts companies. China Aviation Precision Machinery has grown from small to large and weak to strong. It has achieved a historic transformation in China's car seat recliners from dependence on foreign imports to volume exports, relying on independent innovation, relying on research and development of products with independent intellectual property rights.

Liu Jinyuan told reporters that the next major task of the high-tech zone is to further optimize the environment and create an atmosphere, so that companies with core competitiveness such as China Aviation Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. emerge as stars. “When independent innovation companies grow into nets, it is the day when the high-tech zone forms an innovation cluster, which is the date when the development of the high-tech zone achieves a major breakthrough.” He said with great expectations.

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