Wuhu Port Area Visa Point Implement Bulk Liquid

Wuhu Port Area Visa Point Implement Bulk Liquid

In order to implement the notification requirements of the special plan for the transport safety management of marine hazardous chemicals in the Yangtze River Maritime Administration, in accordance with the work arrangements of the higher authorities, the Simahongshan visa spot will carry out special safety inspections of ships carrying dangerous liquid chemicals in bulk against dangerous goods ships in the area in 2014.

The law enforcement officers came to the jurisdiction to integrate chemical liquefaction terminals to carry out special safety inspections on the “Dianchi Zhouhuahua 166” ship in Hong Kong. During the inspection, law enforcement officers conducted detailed inspections of the ship's fire pump, mobile fire extinguishing system, ship's main and auxiliary power units, and cargo transfer facilities. For the safety defects discovered during the inspection, the law enforcement personnel corrected the scene and asked the ship's import to correct it. In addition, the law enforcement officers also urged the ships to do a good job of reporting ships entering and leaving the port and dangerous goods operations in accordance with the regulations, and strictly implement the “ship/shore checklist” system to ensure the seaworthiness of the ship and the proper loading of the goods.

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