When the three summers are carried out, the cross-regional work does more harm than good?

[China Agricultural Machinery Industry News] When it comes to "Three Summers" in a year, cross-regional operations will inevitably become the focus of people. However, insisting on cross-regional work is a worry and a joy, causing people to ponder?
When the three summers are carried out, the cross-regional work does more harm than good?
Whenever you talk about "three summers", cross-regional work will inevitably become the focus of people's attention. In recent years, the cross-regional machine harvest for the "three summers" of Longkou to win the grain has made a great contribution, and has effectively solved the contradiction of "organic households have no living, inorganic households have lived and did not work", and at the same time ensured the bumper harvest of China's agriculture. . However, with the rapid development of the economy, the increase in the number of machines and equipment in various places, the increase in market competition, and the increase in labor costs, the cross-regional operations have gradually shown a phenomenon of narrowing the service radius and the decline of cooperative income. Will cross-regional operations become “chicken ribs”? Recently, the reporter interviewed several cooperative directors randomly and listened to them how to say?
Abandon cross-regional operations and expand to the entire industry chain
In 2009, Liao Xinghua of Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, and six other farmer households in Lianshan Town established the Huimin Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative. In these years, he went to other towns and towns to learn more about the local planting area, harvest time, mechanical service demand and charges. Job information such as price, arrange cross-regional work routes, contact job customers, and work hard to broaden the geographical scope. However, when the reporter asked if he would participate in cross-regional operations this year, he said that he could not do it because the harvest of wheat could not make any money.
"A few days ago, our wheat here has been collected, and now we focus on serving nursery, transplanting and plant protection operations." Liao Xinghua told reporters that this year's cooperative wheat harvesting operations were all handed over to the "cross-regional machinemen" from afar. “In the past, I also carried out cross-regional operations, but in the past few years, there have been more and more machines around the country. Even if we go out to work across regions, we can’t earn much money.” Speaking of these, Liao Xinghua was slightly lost. “The cooperative has more than 7,000 mu of land and harvests 45 yuan of operation cost per mu of land. Except for labor costs and oil costs, the cooperative basically cannot earn money. But in comparison, the majority of the cross-regional operators are husband and wife. The form of the file appeared, the husband was the machine operator, the wife came to settle the account, the work efficiency was high, and the cost was low. We handed the wheat harvesting task to the inter-regional machine operator in the form of an order, so that they still have money to earn.
Since last year, Liao Xinghua has changed his mindset and gradually shifted the focus of cooperative work from machine harvesting to factory farming, transplanting, and planting services. "Now the government vigorously promotes machine transplanting technology, 30% of the county's farmers use machine transplanting." He said, "Last year we only served 5,000 acres, this year has increased to 10,000 acres of land, nursery and transplanting 180-200 yuan / mu, At the same time, the government subsidies for subsidies of 40 yuan / mu, transplanting subsidies of 20 yuan per mu, this is bound to be the future trend." Faced with the future, Liao Xinghua is full of confidence.
Compared with Liao Xinghua, Xin Junyin, director of the Junyin Farmers Professional Cooperative of Yutian County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, focused on the construction of the “full industry chain”. With the continuous increase in the number of machine tools in Hebei Province and surrounding areas, the competition for wheat cross-regional machine collection is becoming more and more fierce, and the cross-regional machine collection is no longer the “darling” of the members. This year, under the leadership of Xin Junyin, the cooperatives have transferred more than 60,000 mu of land. The members are not prepared to go to work in the field, but they must guard the "home." In his view, the benefits of cross-regional operations are not ideal. If the wheat in the “home” is finished, he can consider going to the surrounding areas for work, but it is only limited to Hebei Province.
"In another three or four weeks, we will collect wheat here. This year, the cooperative should make great efforts to realize the development of the entire industrial chain, including harvesting, sowing, plant protection, drying, storage, etc." Xin Junyin told reporters, "' "Three Summers" is a race against time. It can't be relaxed at the moment of grabbing the farm. The cooperative's 60,000 mu of land is enough for us to work. There are more than 160 sets of machines in the club, ready to go all the way to prepare for the 'three summers'."
Adhering to the reduction in cross-regional revenue is a worry
A small number of operators of the cooperative's 'Sanxia' cross-regional operation have already left. There will be hundreds of wheat harvesters at the same time. Each machine is equipped with 3 staff members, so the 'Three Summers' cross-regional operation is nearly 1000. People participated." When receiving a call from the reporter, Jiao Kui, director of the Jiaokuo Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Wucheng District, Luzhou City, Anhui Province, is planning a route for the cross-regional operation of the members. "We are going to go to Nanyang, Henan, which is the national wheat harvest. Station, we have to seize the opportunity, then transfer to Shandong and Hebei."
As the chairman of the board that led the members to cross-regional operations for many years, the burden of Jiao Kui is not easy. From the end of April to the beginning of May each year, he began to contact the former “old acquaintances” to inquire about the land situation, planting area, crop maturity time and harvesting price. "Now cross-regional operations are getting harder and harder, and the number of machines is increasing. We need to contact the broker early and sign a good order with others. In the past few days, if you let someone else take the order, you will lose more than it." "In Jiao Kui's heart, it doesn't matter if you work hard, but in the face of the shrinking scope of cross-regional operations across the country, how to make cooperative members earn money is the key." “The operating cost per mu of land in the south is 40 yuan, and that in the north is higher. The amount of land per mu is 60 yuan to 70 yuan. This cross-regional operation can earn more than 6000 yuan.” It is understood that in 2013 and 2014, Jiao Kui The agricultural machinery professional cooperatives have a net profit of 60-70,000 yuan per year, but now they can only earn 30,000-50,000 yuan, which is about 30% lower than before.
The same problem was also encountered by Song Jingxi, chairman of the Fuqinxing Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Fuping County, Shaanxi Province. He told reporters that in recent years, the cooperatives basically ended in Gansu, because all localities are promoting large and medium-sized agricultural machinery. High, subsidies are strong, and the amount of machinery is basically saturated. In addition, many local people have set up cooperatives, and the market competition pressure will inevitably increase, resulting in low operating prices and affected aircraft revenue. “Now the cross-regional operation has not been as good as before. This year, the cooperative only sent five or six wheat harvesters to cross-regional operations, and other operations were carried out locally. In addition to market competition pressure, cross-regional operating costs are also relatively high.” He counted An account, "a machine oil cost is about 10 yuan / acre, the staff accommodation, meals, fuel, maintenance and other costs add up to about 25 yuan / person, the cost of some special factors is negligible For example, sometimes you need to live in a hotel early, sometimes you have to delay your work time in the rainy days, and the cost of these costs will increase."
Even so, the directors of these cooperatives have made every effort to provide comprehensive services for farmers in different regions. “Every year, cross-regional operations have become a habit, and we are responsible for the old customers. At the same time, the cooperatives will gradually change the way, expand the scope of services, and increase service projects.” Jiao Kui said. "The 'three summers' cross-regional operation is still too hard, and people who are older can't afford it. But in terms of equipment, manufacturers are improving every year, and they are more comfortable than before, so they want to stick to it again." Song Jingxi told reporters.
Cross-regional machine must be "in mind"
It is understood that in some areas of Sichuan, there has been a phenomenon in which cross-regional operators have not gotten alive. At the same time, in an interview with the directors of cooperatives in different regions of the country, we found that as the number of agricultural machinery in various regions became saturated, the income of agricultural machinery decreased, and some agricultural machinery cooperatives were reluctant to continue to participate in cross-regional operations.
Since 1995, the agricultural machinery cross-regional operation has gradually developed and expanded, and to a certain extent, it has solved the embarrassing situation of “organic no living, active inorganic dry”. At the same time, it has effectively improved the efficiency of the use of agricultural machinery, increased the income of farmers, so that most farmers can recover the cost of machinery in a year and taste the joy of harvest. In the economic chain of inter-regional operations, not only the development of agricultural machinery brokers but also the training, maintenance and after-sales services of enterprises and cooperatives have been enhanced.
But at the same time, we must also see that with the increasing efforts of the policy of benefiting farmers, the amount of agricultural machinery has risen steadily, and the pressure for competition across regions has increased. Some of the fighters have been fighting alone, blindly following, and cannot form a certain scale. It affects the benefits of the operators; some of them are in groups, and the market analysis is not enough, resulting in a situation of “more porridge”, which is likely to disturb the market order to some extent. In addition, with the continuous promotion and use of large and medium-sized agricultural machinery, the subsidies for purchases continue to increase, and the number of cooperatives that have arisen locally has intensified, which will inevitably lower the operating prices. At the same time, local protectionism is prone to occur, making cross-regional operators even more difficult.
So, will cross-regional revenues gradually die out? the answer is negative. On the one hand, according to statistics, the total number of combine harvesters that were put into production in the “three summers” across the country last year reached 560,000 units, of which 300,000 units participated in cross-regional operations, which is enough to show that the cross-regional machine harvest is still the main force of “three summers”. military.
On the other hand, with the continuous improvement of the level of agricultural machinery and equipment in China, the operation time of “Three Summers” has been significantly shortened, and “Fast” has become the main theme of “Three Summers”. However, agriculture is closely related to climatic conditions. In the case of bad weather, it is difficult for several local cooperatives to ensure food security. Cross-regional machines are large in quantity, easy to concentrate, and highly efficient, and have incomparable advantages.
Third, China's north-south crops have large differences in growth environment, using time difference and geographical difference in crop cultivation, and organizing large-scale agricultural machinery operations across administrative areas to optimize the structure of agricultural machinery and equipment, improve the level of agricultural machinery, increase farmers' income, and reduce farmers' labor. The intensity and transfer of rural surplus labor force have a very important role.
Therefore, how to ensure the smooth operation of cross-regional operations has become the focus of attention of various departments of agricultural machinery and cooperatives. The author believes that, first of all, the coordination capacity of various agricultural machinery departments should be strengthened, and joint action with the public security, transportation, and China Petroleum and other departments to ensure that the cross-regional operators "have no worries." On this basis, it is necessary to make overall plans for integration, macro-control, and market-oriented, to achieve a situation where the machine is everywhere, and the situation is not stopped. At the same time, enterprises should strengthen innovation research on the basis of perfecting services, continuously upgrade product quality, and implement GPS satellite positioning system for machine tools in qualified regions as soon as possible, so that cross-regional operators can achieve "three summers". ", can guarantee that the "three summers" will proceed smoothly.
(Original title: Does the "Three Summers" job still cross-regional?)

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