What can drivers do to ensure safe driving in winter?

We all know that the winter is a high incidence of vehicle accidents. Due to the slippery snow and poor road conditions, it is common for all kinds of paralysis and rear-end collisions to occur. The driver needs extra care to drive the vehicle better. What can a driver do in winter to drive safely?


1. When driving on icy and snowy roads, the driver must pay attention, reduce the speed, and strictly abide by the driving rules. When the vehicle starts or stops and when the car is in attendance, it is necessary to pay special attention to the low-speed driving; otherwise, it may cause unexpected situations such as side-slip and deviation.

2, when the fog and snow weather out of the car, the driver must be fully equipped with safety equipment, check in advance the steering, brakes, lights, horns, to ensure their own safety. During the driving process, it must be ensured that the speed of the vehicle is stable, and sudden braking, sudden steering, etc. are strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the rear vehicle may not respond too late and an accident may occur.


3, when the vehicle starts to be gentle, do not rush to refuel, otherwise it may cause the drive wheel to idle, only control the vehicle's starting speed, to be able to better grasp the vehicle. The steering speed must be slow, increase the radius of the turn, the steering wheel slow to play, the steady pace to ensure the smoothness of the vehicle, otherwise it is likely to produce side slip or flick.

4, as far as possible to increase the distance between the car before and after the left and right, farther away than usual. The icy and snowy roads are very smooth, and in the event of an emergency, the extended braking distance can easily lead to rear-end collisions. During the driving process, the speed of the vehicle must be reduced. If the visibility is very low, the relevant lights must be turned on to warn the surrounding vehicles to prevent the occurrence of a rear-end collision or rear-end collision.

5. The slippery road surface sometimes has poor handling of the vehicle. Therefore, the driver must have high predictability, make accurate judgments before the dangerous situation occurs, and make timely measures to reduce the loss and ensure his own safety.

After introducing the precautions for winter driving, it is believed that everyone can better drive and control the vehicle in the winter. Be sure to remember: Ten accidents nine times faster. Therefore, do not compete with other drivers during driving. It is the most important to reach your destination safely.

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