What are the advantages of using a ticket checking system?

The selection of wing gates The wing gate manufacturers can basically provide the functions and the parameters of the gates. As mentioned above, the selection of the gate equipment depends on the location, and the applied gates are different, such as wing gates, three roller gates, The gates, etc. have different functions and characteristics. The following are the main functional characteristics of the wing gate system. I hope that it will be helpful to everyone when choosing the channel management system equipment:
Wing Brake Application Features
Convenient and fast: read and enter the card, and do it overnight. With an authorized IC card, you can complete the opening and release of the wing gate and record the charges in a flash before the smart wing gate reader. The card is non-directional, and the reading and writing time is 0.1 seconds, which is convenient and fast.
Security and confidentiality: adopt background or local authentication, authorized issuance, and uniqueness of identity, that is, the card can only be used in this system, and it is secure and confidential.
Reliability: The card's RF induction is not chaotic and reliable, and it has the ability to judge and think.
Flexibility: The system can flexibly set access control staff rights, time period control, cardholder effectiveness, blacklist reporting, adding cards and other functions.
Versatility: Through authorization, the user card can be used for parking, attendance, access control, patrol, consumption and other "one-card" management to easily achieve one card for multiple purposes
Simplicity: Easy installation, simple wiring, software full Chinese interface, easy to operate.

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