Western Digital Cutting Machine Market Development

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In the western region of China, the market for CNC cutting machines is different from that of the eastern part. The leading companies in the second and third tiers dominate the market. Compared with the coastal provinces, the total industrial economy is slightly lower. In order to attract more attention, the western CNC cutting machine industry is constantly seeking new roads suitable for its own development.
Policy Support to Encourage CNC Cutting Machine Enterprises to Enter the Western Region In recent years, the state has given policy and material tilts to the Western CNC cutting machine market.
Sichuan is the long tail of the coordinated development of the economy along the Yangtze River. It is an integrated industrial base in China with military, machinery, metallurgy, and chemical industries as its main components and energy and building materials. The users of CNC cutting machines in Sichuan and Chongqing include automobile and motorcycle, consumer electronics, machinery, aerospace, military, and other enterprises. In addition to the restoration and reconstruction of the earthquake-stricken areas in Sichuan, in addition to the central government’s policy and financial support, it still accepts national and The best area for industrial transfer in the world.
At the same time, with the cross-strait relations association and the Straits Exchange Foundation formally signing the ECFA, 37 taxation numbers have been included in the ECFA early-stage harvesting list in the Taiwan region for exports to mainland China, mainly involving metal processing CNCs. Cutting machine, forming CNC cutting machine, CNC cutting machine jigs and accessories three categories. Chongqing is the third largest investment area for Taiwanese businessmen to invest in the mainland. It has nearly 1,000 Taiwan-funded enterprises and the total investment exceeds 10 billion U.S. dollars.
The main driving force for Shaanxi’s economic development in recent years has been investment, and the country’s western development efforts have continued to increase. The country’s measures to respond to the financial crisis, such as initiating domestic demand and increasing investments in major infrastructures such as transportation, are for Shaanxi. The western provinces of the National Railway Hub Center create many market opportunities. The implementation of high-tech CNC cutting machines and basic manufacturing equipment in major national science and technology projects has also promoted the rapid industrial development of Shaanxi CNC cutting machine companies such as Qinchuan CNC cutting machine, Hanchuan CNC cutting machine, and Hanjiang CNC cutting machine.
From the Catalogue of Advantageous Industries for Foreign Investment in the Central and Western Regions and the recently issued “Notice on In-depth Implementation of the Western Development Strategy and Related Taxation Policy Issues,” it can be seen that the support and support of national policies has been gradually covered, including Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan. The entire western region of Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Tibet and other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) has solved many worries for CNC cutter manufacturers who are interested in expanding the western market.
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