Traditional lighting giant awakens LED battlefield maturity

Last year, the LED lighting market gradually recovered, and orders increased significantly, causing companies, merchants, and markets to be optimistic about LEDs. The LED lighting market is growing rapidly and its maturity is increasing.
The growth of LEDs has made the future development of the lighting industry more and more clear, and it has also prompted the old-fashioned lighting companies to accelerate the pace of transformation. The market penetration capability of LED lighting is gradually increasing, with a compound annual growth of 30, and the trend of traditional lighting to turn LEDs is very obvious. Wang Yan, general manager of Youyicheng Lighting, told the reporter.
At the beginning of last year, NVC Lighting, which ended the infighting dispute, quickly added to the LED market and proposed an annual sales target of over one billion yuan in LED business last year. At present, the sales revenue of NVC Lighting's LED products has increased to 16.7. According to its financial report, the sales of LED products of NVC in the first six months of last year reached 280 million, an increase of 233.9 compared with the same period. The speed is even more obvious, and it is more optimistic about the completion of the sales target of one billion yuan.
Foshan Lighting, which also experienced complaints from investors and high-level shocks, did not relax the layout of LEDs and continuously launched low-priced products to hit the market. The reporter in the Tmall Mall inquired that the single-package price of Foshan Lighting 3WLED Bulbs of a merchant agent has been refreshed to below 9 yuan, and the 2W bulbs are not less than 5 yuan.
For traditional lighting companies, their attitude towards LED lighting is relatively contradictory. Xianglong Optoelectronics Marketing Director Lan Wenliang reminded. From the time node, traditional lighting giants do not want LEDs to grow too fast, because their traditional energy-saving products must be ordered to exit, including equipment, etc., there must be a certain amount of time, which is also caused by traditional lighting giants. Previous reasons for the delay in the LED business.
In addition, due to the influence of brand image and policy inertia, traditional lighting companies are particularly cautious about the reliability of LED products and the formulation of market strategies, resulting in their inability to respond quickly in the LED field. The traditional lighting company's earlier thinking is to hope that the development of LEDs will slow down, so that they have enough adjustment and turnaround time.
However, from the current situation, traditional lighting companies have not had much buffer time in the LED business, and must respond in a timely manner. So we can see NVC lighting, Foshan lighting, Sanxiong. Aurora and other old-fashioned lighting companies have recently invested heavily in the LED business.
The awakening of the traditional lighting giant on the LED battlefield indicates that the LED lighting market is growing rapidly and its maturity is increasing. On the one hand, it has added a lot of variables to the competition in the LED market. The traditional large-scale entry into the LED field will inevitably affect the emerging LED companies, and the market game battle between the two sides will be triggered.

Wire gap filter

Wire gap filter particle separation liquid filtration is a highly efficient method used for separating particles from liquids. This filtration technique utilizes a wire gap filter, which consists of a series of closely spaced wires or plates that create narrow gaps. These gaps act as filters, allowing only particles smaller than the gap size to pass through while blocking larger particles.

The process of wire gap filter particle separation liquid filtration begins with the liquid being passed through the filter. As the liquid flows through the narrow gaps, particles larger than the gap size are trapped on the surface of the wires or plates. The liquid, now free of these larger particles, continues to flow through the filter.

The efficiency of wire gap filter particle separation liquid filtration is determined by the size of the gaps. Smaller gaps can effectively remove smaller particles, but they may also lead to higher pressure drops and reduced flow rates. On the other hand, larger gaps may allow larger particles to pass through, compromising the filtration efficiency.

Wire gap filter particle separation liquid filtration finds applications in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, water treatment, and chemical processing. It is commonly used for the removal of suspended solids, such as dirt, sand, and debris, from liquids. This filtration technique ensures the purity and quality of the liquid, making it suitable for further processing or consumption.

One of the advantages of wire gap filter particle separation liquid filtration is its versatility. It can be easily customized to meet specific filtration requirements by adjusting the gap size and the number of wires or plates in the filter. Additionally, wire gap filters are durable and can withstand high temperatures and pressures, making them suitable for demanding industrial applications.

In conclusion, wire gap filter particle separation liquid filtration is a highly effective method for separating particles from liquids. This filtration technique utilizes a wire gap filter to trap larger particles while allowing smaller particles to pass through. It finds applications in various industries and offers versatility and durability. Overall, wire gap filter particle separation liquid filtration ensures the purity and quality of liquids, making it an essential process in many industrial settings.

wire gap, filter, industrial filtration, particle separation

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