Tire Enterprises Call for Third Party Supervision

“The management issues exposed by the Kumho incident have never been seen before in the tire industry. We must accept the lesson!” “The Kumho event is not a standard issue but a moral issue. There are standards but they are not done according to standards. On human life, we must not sacrifice quality for profit!” “Improve the access threshold and standards, strengthen third-party monitoring, and revoke the '3C' if quality problems arise, there will not be so many companies who only see profits. “Kumho tire incident has been exposed for nearly two months. Its exposed problems such as tire quality management and business integrity have caused domestic tire companies to reflect on issues that have occurred in the industry. In a recent interview, the reporter learned that improving the awareness of self-discipline, using 6S management and the Internet of Things, and other advanced means to improve the level of quality management and strengthen the supervision of third parties are the tire industry's problem-solving ideas.

Quality is always higher than everything

Shen Weijia, Vice President of Giti Tire (China) Investment Co., Ltd. pointed out that many companies with no experience in the industry are now entering the tire industry. Some companies adopt unethical competitive means to earn money without regard to tires as safety products. This is not just a question of returning glue, but an issue of quality management as a whole. In the days when rubber prices have long been at historically high levels, companies are doing everything possible to reduce costs. However, one thing that cannot be ignored is that the weight of a tire is a quality standard, not a cost standard. A tire should have a weight of 10 kg. If it is 9.5 kg, it is an unqualified product. When quality, profit, and output conflict, quality must be prioritized.

Yue Chunchen, general manager of Shuangqin Group Co., Ltd., also stated that some companies have paid less attention to tire quality issues in recent years. Due to the rapid development of the highway, the tire's speed level has been increased from 60 km/h to 120 km/h or even higher. Biased calves have low calories, and radial tires may burst during prolonged use at high speeds. If radial tires do not pay attention to quality, safety may not be as good as biased tires. He proposed that companies should fulfill their social responsibility and safety is the first responsibility.

Zhang Limin, deputy general manager of Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber Co., Ltd., said that several people have already packaged a project. How can this be done safely? The management of economic leverage alone will not work, and we must bear in mind the concept of quality first.

Yuan Zhongxue, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the China Rubber Industry Association and Chairman of the Software Control Co., Ltd., believes that the Kumho event is not a standard issue but a moral issue. The enterprise operators who have excellent traditions such as Zhongce and Shuangqian all know what is a good product and what is a bad product. They also know that tires with poor quality can cause personal injury or death. However, some companies’ new employees do not realize the seriousness of tire quality problems. Some CEOs are only staring at profits, and such corporate risks are more serious.

Quality management is not empty talk

Ma Shichun, chairman of Guizhou Tire Co., Ltd., pointed out the problem of returning glue. First, it was not directly recycled through the process, and the second was excessive use after smelting. Some companies now lack proper quality control systems and product testing methods. There are no standards for semi-finished products and finished products to be released, or there is no self-discipline and supervision. These situations pose a potential threat to consumer safety.

Ma Shichun said with concern that the threshold for entry is getting lower and lower. Domestic-funded projects implement an investment filing system, with only environmental assessment and no quality assessment. However, to improve the quality of tires and increase the added value of products, there must be R&D investment. If there is no research and development equipment and power, it should not be approved.

Yuan Zhongxue stated that the application of the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) can realize the control and execution of standard processes, the transmission of management information, the collection of relevant information, and the traceability management. This can ensure that the company's operating process is 100% properly monitored and managed. It can save the unnecessary costs of various production processes more effectively; to implant tires with RFID chips, real-time collection of the entire life cycle data of each tire and full traceability of information can be performed. By implementing the tire "ID card" system, efficient and accurate traceability of information can be conducted to ensure the quality of tire products and after-sales service. Once the tire has a problem, it can be traced back to the problem.

Urgent need to strengthen third-party supervision

Wu Guizhong, deputy chief engineer of China National Chemical Rubber Corporation, said that the employees of foreign tire companies did not dare and would not operate in violation of regulations. The illegal operation of employees of some domestic companies was due to weak legal awareness and lack of third-party supervision. Before the cancellation of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, every year, companies must self-inspect themselves and submit records. Now that these industries have a vacuum in their management links, some tire companies do not even have the means of experimentation. What about control quality?

Zhang Limin said that one of the manifestations of lack of industry management and coordination is that there is no independent testing agency. It is understood that before the National Rubber Tire Quality Supervision and Inspection Center was directly affiliated to the ministries and commissions, it was already affiliated with a large-scale chemical group after restructuring, and it is no longer a true third-party organization.

Zhang Limin also reported that there is no relevant authoritative testing agency such as REACH in China. The product of China Strategic passed the Shanghai SGS inspection, but when it was exported to Europe, it was still detected exceeding the standard. "Does the tires exported by our country have to be taken abroad to test?" he reluctantly said.

Cai Weimin, secretary-general of the China Rubber Association tire division, said that an effective way to strengthen supervision is to be supervised by a third party authorized by the government to carry out random inspections and regularly expose substandard products.

Ma Shichun and others suggested that an intermediary agency or an expert committee should be established for the quality and use of tires. Only an independent testing organization can really monitor effectively.

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