There are 3 ways to wireless bridge relay transmission. Do you know?

We know that wireless bridges have three common networking modes: point-to-point transmission, point-to-multipoint transmission, and relay transmission. In fact, there are also three ways to relay transmission. The following is a brief introduction to the difference between Fengrunda and Xiaobian.
When will the relay be used? For wireless bridge transmission, it is required to be visible and unobstructed between the receiving end and the transmitting end. However, in some cases, the site environment is not ideal. There is always a transmission line blocking the wireless bridge here or there. When changing lines, you can only take relay transmission.

There are also three options in the relay mode: single mode single wireless bridge relay, single mode dual wireless bridge relay, dual mode / multimode single wireless bridge relay.
1, single mode single wireless bridge relay
The so-called single-mode single wireless bridge relay uses a single-mode wireless bridge as a relay point, and then is connected to two antennas through a power splitter, one antenna is connected to the wireless bridge of the monitoring point, and the other is connected to the wireless bridge of the monitoring point. The antenna is connected to the wireless bridge of the monitoring center.
Although this is the most cost-effective mode, the use of power splitters will reduce the bandwidth by more than half. Therefore, in some large-scale projects or projects with high bandwidth requirements, this type of relay is generally not used.
2, single mode dual wireless bridge relay
This is the use of two single-mode wireless bridges as relay points, using switches to connect the two wireless bridges, one of which is aligned with the wireless bridge of the monitoring point, used as the receiving signal, and the other is aligned with the monitoring center. The wireless bridge is used as a transmitting signal.
Such a mode is more common, although the use of relay will lose bandwidth, but the bandwidth will not be much. Most of these methods are used in projects that extend the transmission distance, avoid obstructions, and require high transmission bandwidth. The disadvantage is that more equipment is used and the cost is higher.
3, dual mode / multimode single wireless bridge relay
A dual-mode or multi-mode wireless bridge is used as a relay point. The wireless bridge of each direction monitoring point is used as a receiving end by two or more antennas, and the antenna of the wireless bridge of the monitoring center is used as a transmitting. end. With the advantages of dual-mode or multi-mode, you can save the cost of multiple wireless bridges, and you don't need a splitter or switch to make installation easier.
This kind of relay mode is mostly used in monitoring engineering or component MESH networks with long transmission distance, high transmission bandwidth requirements, avoiding obstructions, multiple relay points, etc. The disadvantage is that the price of such devices is relatively high. But the relative performance is stronger.
The single mode or dual mode mentioned above refers to a wireless bridge that supports one or two types of signal transmission. Single mode bridges support one mode of signal transmission; dual mode bridges support two modes of signal transmission.

For KATO Cylinder Seal Kit

The replacement process of excavator hydraulic cylinder is as follows:
1. Turn off the hydraulic system: Before replacing the hydraulic cylinder, it is necessary to turn off the system to avoid liquid leakage in the hydraulic system.
2. Disassembling the hydraulic cylinder: Disassembling the hydraulic cylinder requires the use of tools such as wrenches, screwdrivers, etc. Firstly, the hydraulic pipeline needs to be removed, and then the bolts of the hydraulic cylinder need to be removed to remove the hydraulic cylinder from the machine.
3. Check the hydraulic cylinder: Check if there is any damage to the hydraulic cylinder, and if there is any damage, replace it.
4. Install a new hydraulic cylinder: Install the new hydraulic cylinder onto the machine and secure the cylinder with bolts.
5. Connect hydraulic pipeline: Connect the hydraulic pipeline to the hydraulic cylinder, pay attention to the position and direction of the connection, and ensure that the connection is secure.
6. Test system: after replacing the hydraulic cylinder, it is necessary to test whether the system operates normally, check whether the hydraulic cylinder operates normally, and deal with any problem in time.
7. Cleaning work: Clean the liquid and debris in the hydraulic system to ensure that the system is clean and avoid any impact on the system.

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