The trend of LED lighting is the trend of traditional lighting companies how to defend the country

At present, LED lighting products rely on the industry's high prosperity and market opportunities, and are replacing the traditional lighting products to become the mainstream light source. At the same time, traditional lighting companies that have been in the lighting industry have also been forced to transform and lay out LED lighting. At present, the transformation of LED has become the only choice for the survival of traditional lighting companies and the inevitable test. The times have changed, and traditional lighting companies are like the Chinese and the Han Dynasty's Jia Yi's "On the Qin". Nowadays, the LED industry is favored by various capitals. The internal and foreign companies are constantly invading. The new LED companies and LED projects are growing wildly, which makes the lighting industry very fierce. Can traditional lighting companies be good at it and make up for themselves? Shi Renyi, seeking to move and defending his market and position in the industry is very urgent. Transformation: The current trend of transformation is not only an opportunity but also a pain. International lighting giants, as well as domestic traditional lighting companies. Faced with the impact and temptation of the LED lighting market, domestic traditional lighting manufacturers such as Op Lighting, Foshan Lighting, Sunlight Lighting, Snowlight Lighting, and Tongshida Lighting have all been planning and fine-tuning, and have begun the road of LED transformation. As the saying goes, in the face of the beautiful money process of the LED market, traditional lighting companies are experiencing pain and happiness in the transition period. The industry believes that for traditional lighting companies, the transformation of LED is bound to worry about the impact on the original business, because the new LED companies have no other business, it seems more pure, so when the main attack and investment in the LED project is not It will cause too much hesitation. International companies like Philips are hesitant when they first switch to LED lighting, but they will lay out in advance. The LED business may not grow too fast in the early stage, because it is also groping forward. Qin Befang, chief engineer of Tongshida Lighting, told reporters that following the development trend of the lighting industry, LED lighting must be transformed. We hope that the LED lighting business can be made even bigger. At present, Topstar is also doing transformation work and planning. Taking sunlight lighting as an example, in the first half of 2014, the company's traditional energy-saving lamp business dropped by 17. The traditional business declined rapidly, but the LEDs grew rapidly. The first half of the year increased by 60. From January to June, the LED business revenue reached 648 million yuan. The proportion of revenue reached 42. In addition to the rapid growth of LED light source products, the development of LED lighting business has made good progress. The proportion of lighting products in LED business exceeds 30. General Manager of Sunlight Lighting said that the traditional energy-saving lamp business In the case of July, the chain has not declined, but it will be more difficult to get up later. Sunlight will take the initiative to adjust the way of thinking and focus on LED development. At the beginning of LED products, Sunlight Lighting paid close attention to the development of LEDs and always pay attention to the level of technological upgrading. When LED development took shape in 2005-2008, the organization team quickly established LED R&D centers and production bases in Xiamen. LED technology research and development and product reserves, and close cooperation with customers, the use of large customer advantage to quickly bring LED products to the market, so that sunlight lighting can quickly form a scale effect after mass production of LED. Wu Mingming, research director of CSAResearch, said that due to the high cost and unskilled technology in the early stage of LED lighting industry development, the market lacks standard specifications, and traditional lighting companies are involved in and promote LED lighting, and will form a competitive alternative relationship with the original products. Lighting companies themselves will judge, for example, the original production of energy-saving lamps into LED lighting, will be afraid of causing major conflicts with their original business, so traditional lighting companies will be more troublesome to turn, the initial transformation is not determined, attitude is still embarrassing. Nowadays, the semiconductor lighting industry has experienced a decade of development and finally ushered in an explosive growth period this year. At present, the lighting industry also basically agrees that the transformation of LED lighting is an inevitable trend, and traditional lighting companies have begun to compete in the LED market. The domestic lighting brand Op Lighting executives also said that the entire industry is in a stage of transformation, the emergence of new LED lighting technology, LED energy-saving and environmental protection technology, I believe that many companies in the industry, as well as some companies outside the industry, are running LEDs come from this huge potential. For the industry, it is still at a stage of struggle. Op Lighting is currently accelerating its transformation, and its LED products have accounted for more than 50% of the company's product sales. A person familiar with Op Lighting said. LED lighting is very different from traditional lighting. If it is used in the LED business according to the traditional lighting method, it is not always applicable. Qin Bifang also said that in the LED, Tongshida from the initial R & D capital investment, to the establishment of the R & D team to the establishment of LED lighting division, to the current LED business covering the entire company, and the entire focus of the company's business into LED, We also hope that the LED business can be made bigger and can account for a larger proportion of the entire company's business. The survey shows that the current lighting industry also basically agrees that the transformation of LED lighting is an inevitable trend, so the traditional lighting enterprises have changed LED lighting speed very fast. This year, the LED business has reached 40~50. Nowadays, the trend of LED lighting is becoming more and more important. Traditional lighting companies should become more profitable. It is still unclear whether they can make up their own shortcomings in the future.

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