The same emergency lane is occupied, one is punished by a police car.

For many owners, the emergency lane is no stranger, but there is not much known about the role of the emergency lane. It is very likely that he will receive a ticket from the traffic police when he is not aware of the situation. The following Xiaobian talked about the emergency lane for everyone in a case.

An example occurred before on the expressway. Two cars were also parked in the emergency lane. After the traffic police arrived at the scene, they penalized the car in front, but for the car behind it, the traffic police not only did not punish but also used the police car. Escort high speed. Seeing the hearts of many car owners, there must be doubts. Why?


Finally, the traffic police explained that the car in front was parked in the emergency lane because the driver stopped to urinate and eat. It was a non-emergency stop, so he needed to be punished according to the law. The rear car, although in violation of the emergency lane, always has a warning light indicating that there is a problem with the tire pressure of the vehicle. This situation is a violation of the state of emergency, so you can avoid punishment. In order to ensure the safety of the personnel in the car, the police car escorted the faulty car out of high speed. Here Xiao Bian reminds everyone that it is only when the vehicle malfunctions or the driver is ill that it can no longer continue driving. It is only possible to park in the emergency lane to wait for rescue. If you do not occupy emergency lanes in both cases, you will be punished. In addition, if the hazard warning flash is not turned on or a fault warning triangle is placed behind the vehicle, the penalty is also imposed. As the saying goes: There are three urgent people. However, it is illegal to use emergency lanes for emergency. What's more, it is because of traffic jams and phone calls. It is even more inconsistent with regulations.

Through the above cases, it is certain that many vehicle owners have an understanding of when emergency lanes can be occupied. Actually, there are parking zones, service areas, or toll stations every 30 to 50 kilometers of highways open to the public, so vehicles will travel around 20-30 minutes. There is a service area or toll station where the owner can rest, facilitate, navigate, etc. in these safe areas, and do not blindly occupy the emergency lane and be fined.

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