The composition and function of fire rescue vehicles

China is a disaster-prone country. Natural disasters, production accidents, and fires occur from time to time. Therefore, the rescue of information fire fighting vehicles plays an important role in our lives and plays a vital role.

The fire command vehicle is an operation platform for commanding fire scenes and rescue scenes. It is equivalent to a commanding transit station for on-site command, control, and security. The fire command vehicle has the functions of commanding and dispatching, receiving and processing information, guaranteeing communication, collecting video, video conference, and alarm control.


The fire command vehicle has the following settings: lights, alarms, car radio, satellite phone, GPS, GPS, car phone, multi-function printer, car roof camera, hard disk video recorder, generator set, lighting system, mobile lighting Lights, mobile coils, lightning protection systems and other high-tech equipment, interact, transmit text, pictures and videos.

In their own words, emergency fire engines are temporary command vehicles that are used to rationally mobilize rescue forces and play a positive role in planning and rapidly extinguishing fires. When fires and other types of accidents occur, the fire command vehicle can quickly reach the scene and immediately open the communication network of on-site wireline, wireless, and computer integrated services to realize the organization, management and control of the accident site information; The center carries out the transmission of two-way voice, data, and image information. The 360-degree rotating camera on the roof transmits the collected live images to the display screen in the car. The personnel of the command center can use the live images on the screen to make the technology. Plan and direct rescue operations. The satellite-equipped communication vehicle can carry out satellite links at all accident sites and the Ministry of Public Security's fire department, and both parties transmit information videos to each other. This technology has effectively enhanced the fire department's ability and importance in handling various types of accidents. Provide forceful command and protection for the emergency rescue plan for rescue fire fighting and disaster accidents.

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