[Technology] brick 10 desulfurization matters needing attention

Brick factory desulfurization is not a part of the matter, is a systems engineering, production in every aspect must be reflected in order to complete this work. As brick factory production line technology, can not be targeted discussion, only to talk about common points:

1, control the fuel sulfur content. The rest of the page has a lot to say about this issue and will not be repeated. Here to be reminded that the calorific value stability, calorific value not only has a direct impact on production, but also affect the desulfurization tower normal work, high sulfur content can not reach the desulfurization standards, low sulfur content wastes desulfurizer.

2, the replacement of raw materials to consider whether the original technology to adapt. For example, a coal gangue sintered brick production line, due to the high sulfur content of raw materials, can not meet the desulfurization requirements, the direct change of clay as raw material, but the drying kiln design is a low sensitivity to dry coal gangue, the length of the kiln baking roasting only Half, after the clay can not be quickly dried, or can not be normal production; there is the choice of an enterprise boiler slag instead of coal to brick, that the slag sulfur is sintered, the sulfur content is very low, but the use of sulfur content in flue gas is still detected High, the root cause of the problem is not the boiler desulfurization technology used units, but the sulfur-fixing technology, a large number of sulfur is retained in the slag, when the slag was released again when exposed to high temperatures. From the coal washing plant out of gangue and slime sulfur content is also very high, which is now commonly used in coal washing process, the sulfur in coal are concentrated in the gangue and slime, the selection of these raw materials (fuel) should pay attention.

3, a reasonable allocation of raw materials, particle size distribution. The purpose of blending is to adjust the drying sensitivity coefficient and drying sensitivity of the clay to ensure that the brick does not affect the product quality during the rapid dehydration and drying process and is beneficial to sintering. This seemingly desulfurization does not have much to do with the proposal, the technical information in the future will appear, because there is data show that foreign brick dry only a few hours, completely contrary to what we think of two or three Drying theory of the hour, the reason why the brick can be dried in such a short time, one of the points is the grading of the raw material processing.

4, reduce the molding water. Drying kiln work is only one is to exclude the brick in the water, the task is very simple, understand this point to know the brick water is not only the focus of the molding process, but also the next process difficulties.

5, adjust the billet way. In the blank billets artificial indwelling vertical duct code to be changed, the air duct ventilation, a direct impact on data detection. On the vertical duct problem I blog in a lot of other recounts, we can refer to a lot of facts can prove that this is a wrong understanding. Indwelling duct mistakes can also be dried from the brick residual moisture and sintering "black heart" to get the proof: inside the brick stack, the bottom of the brick dry residual moisture greater than both sides and the top, black embossed serious appear in the interior of the brick stack . Black heart brick is unqualified products, black heart brick is also a brick factory desulfurization taboo, in theory not much to say, we understand the principle of wood into charcoal to understand: charcoal process is to release harmful substances with the flue gas leaving Under the clean carbon. We burn the brick black heart is the truth: Sulfur with the flue gas away, calorific value did not make use of. In reality, there is a difficulty that the code blanking machine supports, if the code blanking machine is not adjustable, you can use the artificial blocking duct for temporary solution, but the premise is the first between the brick (fire) to open.

6, brick stop dry. Static stop blank is the use of natural environment of the brick dehydration. Conditional production lines can use other manual methods for low temperature drying, such as fan, fan, simple billet artificial drying technology, the purpose is to pre-dry, reduce the pressure kiln drying, drying process can be used to complete the more gentle operation , Can reduce the "gale" on the test.

7, closed drying kiln. On the kiln door, kiln car meet, tunnel kiln sand seal, duct and other closed treatment to reduce the external low temperature wind on the dry interference. These works should be done in normal operation. When the sulfur content of flue gas is not detected, as long as the quality of the bricks can be guaranteed, it is generally not taken seriously. However, these "leakage points" should be taken seriously in the future operation, Because the seal is not good will directly affect the flue gas detection data.

8, improve the kiln operation. One misunderstanding that should be mentioned here is that "the gale is dry". Many production lines adopt the big fan to dissipate the moisture. They think that the moisture can be discharged in time and the moisture will not accumulate. This is a misunderstanding, at least not completely understood. Drying kiln work conditions in addition to wind, there is a condition, that is positive pressure drying, negative pressure drainage, dry kiln half the length to be in positive pressure was right. Increase the tide is to increase negative pressure, will lead to short-circuit the wind. Now back to the desulfurization terms, if the flue gas drying process, the flue gas in the residual air factor is large, directly affect the conversion of test data.

9, to ensure that the kiln drying kiln positive pressure, lay the foundation for sintering. Drying the car side of the positive pressure is the basic normal operation, but because of the mistaken understanding of a brick factory will increase the exhaust fan, resulting in a negative pressure on the kiln end. Negative pressure tide dry tile temperature is very low, usually at room temperature. There is no mist in the brick after drying, which shows that there are two mistakes. One is the artificial shortening of the drying kiln and the compression of the drying time. The other is that the effect of the cold brick and the hot brick on the roasting kiln is different. The 20% 80 ℃ brick has a temperature difference of 60 ℃, the temperature difference must be made up in the sintering temperature rise, consumption is not only the calorific value, as well as time. Roasting kiln preheating zone with rapid heating of the desulfurization benefits are: to reduce the sulfur content of waste heat flue gas.

10, roasting kiln operation. Normal sintering without considering the issue of sulfur, but online monitoring, the test kiln master not only burning brick technology, there is how to reduce sulfur in flue gas or can lay a good foundation for new desulfurization sintering method, which involves The surface is very wide, from into the car, seal, fan frequency, brake, gate type, the top of the coal and other coal should be taken into account the issue of sulfur, and tunnel kiln kiln type, insulation sealing performance, duct, wind Brakes and other facilities have a great relationship, each kiln is different, the operating practices are not the same, can not be discussed one by one, I can exchange information through other.

Through the above discussion, we can see that the brick factory desulfurization involved in each process, which also suggested that the future brick factory design, construction of the kiln, desulfurization tower, code blanking machine design and brick-related industries should also brick environmental protection The problem is taken into account.

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