Soil moisture monitoring system provides technical support for improving farmland quality

Cultivated land is the basic guarantee for agricultural development. Therefore, with the development of agricultural modernization, the quality and safety of cultivated land has received more and more attention. In order to speed up the protection and improvement of cultivated land quality and manage the soil in a more scientific and effective way, the agricultural field has strengthened the application of equipment such as soil moisture monitoring system . With new technologies, new mechanisms, new models, and new equipment, the farmers will be guided to scientific fertilization, drought-resistant and flood-protection, greatly improving the cultivated land fertility, protecting the ecological environment, and exerting the production efficiency of cultivated land to achieve the effect of increasing production and income.

Soil moisture monitoring system

To improve the quality of cultivated land, the focus is on strengthening the monitoring and supervision of the quality of cultivated land. Soil moisture monitoring is one of the key areas that need to be strengthened. The use of soil moisture monitoring system to strengthen the monitoring and scientific management of agricultural soil moisture will not only help to do a good job in agricultural drought prevention, but also guide scientific irrigation production, and further improve the soil moisture monitoring network for the protection and improvement of cultivated land quality. The development of the company provides strong support, so the application of professional agricultural instrument systems such as soil moisture monitoring systems will become more and more extensive.

Compared with the manual monitoring method, the equipment monitoring is superior to the latter in terms of accuracy, effectiveness and convenience. For example, soil moisture monitoring system can realize automatic monitoring of soil moisture, predicting disasters and guiding scientific planting through accurate and timely data accumulation and analysis. Therefore, with the development of modern agriculture and the continuous advancement of farmland quality protection and upgrading projects, Continuously strengthening the support of scientific and technological equipment such as soil moisture monitoring systems will be one of the important tasks. By combining agriculture with science and technology, the modernization process of agriculture is easier to achieve and achieve, and whether it is economic, ecological or social, it will become more prominent.

Vane Damper

The internal structural design is vane, vane damper is more suitable for soft close. ABD vane dampers are used to dampen drives, control speed, and many other applications. The damping direction of the vane dampers with continuous rotation can be clockwise, counter clockwise, or in both directions. Vane dampers are widely used in automobile interior decoration, household electric appliances, furniture and bathroom products, etc. Our dampers can make the movement of structures soft, quiet and safe to mitigate the impact, avoid the damage, increase the mechanical life, reduce noise, and improve product quality.

When the axis of rotation is moving, the blades that are connected to the axis of rotation rotate at the same time. The silicone oil in the oil chamber is squeezed between the blade andthe body to the back of the blade. The resistance formed by the pressure of the silicone oil to the area of the blade is the damping torque of the rotating shaft and the blade. The torque generated during rotation is determined by the oil viscosity, the pressure area of the blade and the clearance between the blade and the body.
Vane Damper


1. Please contact the corresponding product engineer for specific torque products.

2.The Standard of completion closing:the angle is 90° between Shaft A and Shaft B.

3.It is closing position to assemble the shaft into the housing.

4. Max. cycle rate: 3 cycles/min(Clockwise110 °, 110 ° anti-clockwise for 1 cycle)

5.Operating temperature:0~40℃

6.Storage temperature:-10~60℃

Vane Damper Characteristics

Soft closing time test: Measure the closing time from angle 70 to 0.

Rated Torque (T).

Test Temperature: 23±2℃.

Durability test:

Test Method: From the closing position to opening position, push back to 70°, soft close from 70° to 0°.

Rated Torque (T).

Operation Angle: 0°~110°.

Test Temperature: 23±2℃.

Durability test cycle: 50,000 cycles. The result of product test )>2s.

Vane Damper,High Temperature Dampers,Toilet Seat Vane Damper,Soft Down Damper,Storage Boxes Vane Damper

Shenzhen ABD Equipment Co., Ltd. ,