Machining center process design

When designing a process, it mainly considers both precision and efficiency, and generally follows the principles of first face back hole, first reference after other, and first rough after finish. The machining center completes machining of all surfaces that can be machined in one setup. For the hole machining with higher requirements for position accuracy, special attention must be paid to the arrangement of the holes in the machining sequence. If improperly arranged, it is possible to bring back the backlash of the transmission pair and directly affect the position accuracy. For example, when arranging the hole machining sequence of the part shown in Fig. 5.6a, if the 5.6b line is processed, since the 5.6% hole and the hole are oriented in the Y direction, the Y-direction backlash will cause The error increases, affecting the positional accuracy of the 5.6 hole and other holes. According to the route shown in Figure 5.6c, the introduction of backlash can be avoided.


a) Part Drawing b) Processing Route 1


c) Processing route 2

Figure boring processing route

During the machining process, in order to reduce the number of tool changes, the tool centering process can be used. That is, the same tool can be used to process the corresponding parts of the parts, and the second tool can be used for further processing. However, for the hole system with high accuracy, if the part is determined by the rotation of the table to determine the corresponding machining position, this method cannot be adopted due to the presence of repeated positioning errors.

Anti Corrosive Pigment

Product Description

Silica Anti Corrosive Pigment, with white powder appearance, is mainly composed of calcium ion-exchanged amorphous silica gel. This new-developed Nanotechnology, without toxic and heavy metal, matches the environmental regulations. It can exchange calcium ions for the paint film and hydrogen ions on the substrate, to neutralize the acidic substances, maintain a high pH value, and prevent the substrate from erosive.

Meanwhile, the calcium ions can be combined with the metal oxide film to form a protective layer to protect the steel substrate, reduce corrosion, and prolong the service life. Ion exchange anti-corrosive pigments do not contain heavy metals, toxic, which provides a certain degree of rust protection.


1,Lower A/C pigment addition levels vs. existing IES pigments

2, Lower interaction with catalysts

3, Low sensivity to prolonged dispersion time.

Application Fields

Coil Coating, Appliance Finishes, Transportation and Heavy-Duty, Equipment Coatings, Metal Furniture Finishes.

Anti Corrosive Pigment, Silica Anticorrosion Pigment, Ion-exchanged Amorphous Silica

Guangzhou Quanxu Technology Co Ltd ,