Machinery industry salesman must learn: six steps to develop customers

Nowadays, many sales people are blind when visiting customers. When they meet, they don’t know what to say. What to say, they simply introduce themselves. Then they try to sell products to customers. When the customer refuses, they are gray. The yo went away, discouraged, and there was no passion to visit the next family. Today is like this. Tomorrow is still the case. Day after day, without much success, we think about diverting. As a result, what we do in other industries is also unsatisfactory. Finally, I still don't understand why social customers are so difficult to develop now? Customer relationships are so difficult to maintain? Actually not, there is no market, no customers, the key is to do sales, are you a qualified salesperson? Many things have you paid attention to? Have you done so in many ways? If you can think more, be good at copying other people's successful methods, be good at actions, and be good at summing up, then developing customers is also very easy.

The first step: professional win customers talk about customers.

The first is that your people come into contact with customers. We don't change people's looks, but we can change our own quality and professionalism. This is very important. The first impression that people need is not to mention that they should pay attention to the appearance of the instrument. This is the most basic of sales. The point I want to make here is to rely on your professional level to win the trust of customers and trust them.

When it comes to professionalism, I think the following points should be noted:

1. Research before the visit. Before visiting customers, we must fully investigate the situation and industry situation of customers. For example, the customer's strength, the customer's sales situation, the customer's interpersonal relationship, the customer's personality, etc. should be as much as possible to understand.

2. Preparation before visiting customers. Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. To successfully visit and develop successfully, you must do a good job of preparatory work. (1) Data preparation: Including company profile, product manual, sample, price policy table, etc. (2) Appearance preparation: In order to better develop customers, business personnel must come forward in front of customers with a good professional image. Including: Wear professionalism, try to dress professionally, for example, suits, etc., dress should not be too casual; professional facial image, be full of confidence, with a smile. (3) Psychological preparation: As a salesman of a company, it is necessary to have a good mental state of fighting and fighting without any discouragement, and to accept all kinds of difficulties and challenges in the course of development. Therefore, it also requires the clerk to constantly adjust and temper himself and maintain a high-spirited entrepreneurial mentality.

3. When negotiating with customers, we must always demonstrate our professionalism. Including the introduction of your own company, the introduction of the company's products, the characteristics of the company's products, the characteristics of competitors' products, the analysis of the industry, the pricing policy for the customers, the promotion activities, the brand promotion, the supply methods, the checkout method, etc. Skilled to say, can not swallow, let customers think you are not professional. Of course, it is necessary to respond flexibly to the conditions mentioned by the customer. If you cannot solve it yourself, do not give an answer on the spot. When you visit the next time, solve the problem left over from the previous time.

The professional level is based on one's own learning and accumulation, that is to say, there is no unpreparedness. Before you visit, you must understand and learn about the products, companies, and industry-related materials, and you must be able to use them skillfully. Think you are very professional, then customers will have a sense of trust in you and have a sense of trust in your company.

The second step: interest to impress customers.

Having a professional level just wins the trust of the customer and is only the first step in marketing. Then the customer believes in your product, but he will not necessarily work with you because he is concerned about the interests. So when we sell products to customers, we can't try to show them to our customers. We can't just say how good the products or services are. It's impossible to impress customers. His concern is that you can bring products or services to him. What does it have? What advantages does it have over others? Then, at this time, our sales staff must “favor what they want” and try to sell the “interests” to customers, repeatedly stating that the sale of the product can bring the biggest profit to customers. , is to provide customers with a financial and development opportunities, is a win-win situation, which will arouse the interest of customers, so that negotiations can be carried out smoothly.

In addition, the persuasive method is used to impress customers, such as introducing a certain dealer to sell the product and bringing about a better profit, etc., thereby paving the way for signing the contract. When you sell, you usually see the boss's face. The first sentence will say: “Oh boss, hello, I’m very happy to be able to visit you today. I’m here to recommend a financial road for you. I’m not sure if you’re interested in listening. "Then the boss will not directly reject you. He will at least be interested in hearing about you. This is a simple application of the law of interest promotion.

The third step: attitude to infect customers.

Talking about customers is not easy, we must be psychologically prepared. Even if people fall, our beliefs and spirits cannot be defamed. This is also important when talking about customers. We must always maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. Do not bring the emotions of the previous family to the next family. We must be full of passion and vitality. We must show our broad mind and firm attitude and will in front of customers. Customers can reject yours. The product, but he can't refuse you this friend, should have this kind of thinking. We need to change our concepts. We are not asking for customers, but we are negotiating with customers on an equal footing. We pursue a win-win situation. Therefore, customers do not accept it and it is normal. It means that his strategic vision is not enough. It is not because of my reasons. If there is such a reason, Ideas, then there is nothing worth worrying about. We want to show our personal charisma, show our spiritual outlook, infect customers with a positive attitude, make him feel that you are always full of vigor and vitality, then you are very confident, you are confident of the company, then your product is also Not bad.

The fourth step: affecting customers.

People are full of emotional and animal animals, and customers are also the same. Some customers may be very indifferent. You don't cooperate with him once or twice to visit him three times. But maybe you can hold on and you can succeed. Customers may not only compare your products. It is to examine your character, so learn to use emotion to move your customers. We can often send information to customers, make calls, send gifts on holiday, send gifts on birthdays, etc. Let the boss become your friend first and then talk about cooperation. Some customers are able to cooperate without going for a while, and some still need continuous visits to follow up.

I remember that there were two customers in Huoqiu and Shucheng in Lu'an and I finally co-operated for more than a month. Through the first visit, I felt intent and the clients were all very smart. They were comparing and they did not give clear meaning to do or not. I think I must follow up. So I often call on the phone. When I visit, I don't talk directly about cooperation. Instead, I care about the customer, I care about the customer's business, life, and so on. Let him feel that you are a friend of yours. It will be successful. So then, "offensive" by text message, often send some blessings to the text messages and greetings in the past, let the customers have you in mind every day, then you are very close to success, and finally blessings on the phone and SMS greetings A month later, the list was taken down. Huo Qiu’s boss said that because I feel that people are good, they are willing to be our products. In fact, doing business is like falling in love, and we must insist that if we pursue the spirit and persistence of pursuing girls, then it is very likely that we will succeed in business. Unfortunately, many salesmen are unwilling to persist, and new customers forget old customers. In fact, this is not the intention of the customer is not only in the comparison of products, but also in the comparison of your personality and your company's reputation, so we must take the initiative to be good at moving customers with emotional and sincere.

Step 5: Act to convince customers.

We must not only move our customers, but more importantly, we must be good at our actions and be good at our customers. We should not only want to purchase goods from customers, but also must think of ways to help our customers sell. There are more practical and feasible ways to help customers achieve sales. The help customers referred to here can be helping you organize inventory, helping him to reposition the display, helping him to post posters, or helping him to plan a game. Promotions, etc. Do not think that doing these small things has nothing to do with letting the boss do your product. Actually not, it is very likely that one of your moves will move him and he will convince him that he will be your product.

In the concept of many salespersons, thinking that doing business is to take the customer's money into the hands of the ultimate goal, in fact, this is the most primitive initial sales. Do business from the customer's point of view to consider, serve customers, help customers sell products, and guide customers to sell products, rather than just think of money.

The above-mentioned customers of Huoqiu and Shucheng communicated their sincerity to them, making them feel that they are not selling products but making friends. The attitude is sincere, and the chance of making such transactions is very high. In the course of doing business, we must treat the dealers as friends, help him, and help him sell products, instead of calculating him, forcing him to make payments, because only the dealer’s goods reach the consumers. In his hands, he will continue to purchase, if you rely on the backlog of dealer inventory, forcing the money back, and the goods are not moving in the dealer's warehouse, then the ultimate damage is the interests of the manufacturers.

The sixth step: Attentive customers.

Above these points, I think the most important thing is to be a sales person. You must really try hard to do it. Think carefully. Be good at summing up and sincerely serve the customer. Really help the customer to achieve sales and development and realize profits. In order to be more considerate and considerate from the customer's point of view, it is adept at grasping the customer's psychology to carry out "raiders". In addition, the following points need to be noted:

1. The time devoted to 90 minutes of high concentration and no interference will be more productive than a full day of work. The time that people waste in daily innocuous activities may be many hours. If you can make good use of the previously wasted hours each day, you will have 365 more hours a year, or an additional 45 working days a year. In other words, if you can focus on your work and don’t waste your time on lengthy telephone conversations or unorganized work, you will greatly increase your productivity.

2. In the role model discussed by open-minded sociologists, it is considered that the development of salesmen is equally important to the development of children. In people's groups, people can often find people who are better than themselves. Those people inspire people to work toward higher goals and make us more humble. Therefore, you must have an open mind to listen, learn, and accept thoughts from all parties in your life.

3, love the heart you want to be able to set yourself up for the sake of others. Although it is impossible to know exactly what others feel, you still have to work hard to try.

I feel that as long as we are devoted, sincere, sincere, good-hearted, and attentive, we can use the “five hearts” together to serve our customers, achieve our customers, and ultimately achieve our own success.

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