LED packaging and lighting development has become the fastest growing field

After years of development, China's LED industry chain has become more and more perfect, enterprises are all over the LED substrate, LED epitaxy, LED chips, LED packaging and LED applications. Throughout the overall industrial chain, due to the high technical and capital requirements of the upstream industry, domestic enterprises are rarely involved, so the industry has the characteristics of small number of enterprises and small scale. In contrast, due to the relatively low capital and technical requirements for downstream packaging and applications, this is precisely matched with the characteristics of domestic enterprises with less capital and weak technology. Therefore, there are more enterprises engaged in these two links in China. . This uneven distribution of corporate structure has led to the fact that China's LED industry is dominated by low-end products, and enterprises are facing severe price pressures for a long time. With the significant decline in the cost of LED upstream epitaxial chips in the past two years, upstream epitaxial chips, midstream packaging, and downstream applications have formed a market scale ratio of 1:4:9. From the perspective of the entire upstream investment, the growth rate of the investment in epitaxial wafers dropped from 46 in 2011 to 10 in 2012, while the growth rate of investment in downstream applications was 21 in 2011 and 53 in 2012, so the focus of investment in the LED industry The upstream moves downstream. The upstream link has high technical content, large capital investment, large quality impact, high profit margin, LED luminous color and luminous efficiency are related to the materials and processes for making LED, and upstream accounts for about 70 LED manufacturing costs, which is extremely important for the LED industry; Technology and capital-intensive links, the chip is currently the most fierce part of the patent competition, with the characteristics of strong investment intensity but slow effect; the downstream links include the development and production application of LED packaging and lamps, which is the most closely related link with the market. Relatively low, the investment threshold is also low, so it is the largest and fastest growing field in the LED industry. In the upstream epitaxial wafer and chip production of LED, the United States, Japan, and the European Union still have huge technological advantages, while Taiwan has become an important LED production base in the world. At present, the world has formed a three-pronged industrial structure dominated by the United States, Asia, and Europe, and has taken the lead in Japan, the United States, and Germany. China, Taiwan, and South Korea are closely followed, and China, Malaysia, and other countries and regions are actively following. The echelon distribution. Although China has a certain gap in the production technology of LED epitaxial wafers and chips from the international advanced level, the huge domestic application demand has brought huge development opportunities to LED downstream manufacturers, such as display screens and landscape lighting fixtures. LED application products have been exported to the United States, the European Union and other countries and regions. At present, the main research institutions of Yan and Chip at home and abroad include Peking University, Tsinghua University, Nanchang University, Institute of Semiconductors of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Physics Institute, 13 CLP, South China Normal University, Beijing University of Technology, Shenzhen University, Shandong University, Nanjing University, etc. The GaN epitaxial layer, the GaN-based blue wavelength drift, the internal quantum efficiency and the light extraction efficiency, the anti-light decay capability, and the heat dissipation level of the power chip are grown on the silicon substrate.

Gold Extractor Equipment

The STL water-jacketed Gold Concentrator is a kind of gravity separation equipment. It was developed by Changchun Gold Research Institute Co., Ltd. in 1985 and entered the market. At present, it has been used in many domestic and foreign companies. It is suitable for the recovery of single gold in placer gold, vein gold mines and polymetallic mines, instead of mercury plate operations. The addition of large single gold particles in the collected ore before flotation can further increase the recovery rate of gold mines, and it can also be used from gold-bearing mines. Separate single gold from flotation gold-copper concentrate and flotation gold concentrate.

The main indicators of this series of equipment basically reach the level of similar international products (such as Nielsen gold selectors, etc.). Compared with similar equipment at home and abroad, this series of equipment has the advantages of high cost performance, easy operation, and low maintenance costs.

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Changchun Gold Research Institute Co.LTD , https://www.changchunmachine.com