Interpretation of "customization" for the LED lighting industry

Customization is nothing new in all walks of life, but when the public is pursuing customization, is it really thinking deeply, why is customization going to happen? Which groups are pursuing customization? What is the role of the industry now? What will happen in the future? In response to these questions, I interviewed several people in the lighting and lighting industry and the electrical industry. How do they think about it? In the big environment, the trend of customization in all walks of life has become obvious. Most manufacturers are able to perceive it, but most manufacturers can't do it. This is inseparable from the manufacturer's own process. Then why is there such a thing as customization? Yu Xiqing, director of marketing for Hongguang Lighting, said that the reasons for this are manifold. First, some special lamps, or conventional lamps can not meet the different needs of consumers, while consumers are more pursuing personalized products; second, sales on the network boosted custom production, more consumers pursue personalized services . Similarly, Cheng Zhongtang, general manager of Changpin (International) Home Lighting Chain Operation, also stated that, in the whole environment, the trend of consumers pursuing individualization and intelligence is more intense, and the production design is more human. Second, the market demand, there must be a corresponding way to solve the demand; the third is the special requirements of the engineering standards, such as the functional requirements of large stadiums, hotels, special units. Tu Xiaoying, the chairman of Huizhou City Green Light Forest Electric Co., Ltd., more fully expressed the reasons for customization. She admits that the reasons are summarized in four points. First, consumers are entering the stage of rational consumption due to the maturity of people's consumption concepts, the improvement of consumption levels, and the shift in consumption patterns. Second, when consumers can't find a satisfactory product in the market, they hope to customize it for themselves. Because consumers directly participate in the design of products, the products developed are more consistent with the needs of customers, and customer satisfaction is higher. Third, the life cycle and development cycle of enterprise products are shortening. Customization can extend the life cycle of products, increase product variety, and diversify consumers. Fourth, the competition in various product and service markets is becoming more and more fierce. Although the management of enterprises is mainly in the convergence of many fields (especially in the relatively basic fields), in the process of developing to a higher level, it is often necessary to seek Different talents can gain a competitive advantage, which in turn promotes customization. The customer group is becoming more and more popular. Some people think that customization is a medium-to-high-end consumer. Some people think that the public only needs standard products, and there is no need to customize them. What do they think? Cheng Zhongtang said that there is a greater demand for customization in high-end venues on the market, because the general public can meet their needs as long as they are equipped with standard equipment. At the same time, it is understood that the current sales ratio of gold products customized products and the percentage of the company's total sales are still very small, mainly based on customer demand, small batch production; in addition, customized products are more expensive, the average consumer Still have to be very careful. Li Pingfeng, director of operations of Zhuhai Jinpin Precision Injection Co., Ltd., said that Jinpin Electric not only does the standard products of the general market but also makes artistic switches, including custom switches. He revealed that the custom switch of gold products is mainly the product design pattern and style, and all of this is to meet the specific needs of customers. At present, there are many applications for customized products in engineering, and there are very few civilian parts. The types of customers who have demand for service customization are generally above the middle and high-end levels, especially in luxury homes and villas. Can paint Xiaoying but issued a different voice, she said, in order to inject more innovative ideas into the traditional electrical industry, Green Light Forest Electric has introduced the exclusive private custom-made switch socket into the public life, the purpose is to make more Consumers can enjoy a high-end private custom taste life at a normal level of consumption. Switch sockets in the electrician market, basically in addition to white switches are metal panel switches, pale colors or cold metal is often difficult to integrate with the overall home style, so in order to allow more consumers to fully follow their own wishes Design your own style of life, Green Light Forest presents your life, the custom concept of the switch you write. The elegance and the common appreciation of the spring and white snow Since customization has formed a trend in all walks of life, what impact will it have on the industry? Yu Xiqing said that this problem is viewed from two aspects. First, upstream manufacturers, in order to cater to the main consumer, will have higher requirements in design, and the difficulty in production and processing will increase accordingly. Second, consumers can Choosing diversity can better pursue fashion and personalization. Cheng Zhongtang admits that due to the temptation of the market, most manufacturers will pick up custom orders, but due to technical immaturity, manufacturers lack the ability to customize production, so to a certain extent, for manufacturers, custom orders are not a good thing. Tu Xiaoying also said that customized production will completely break the traditional production mode and the original inherent consciousness. From the recent light fairs, the personalized custom switch of Green Light Forest has been favored by many dealers. This fact indicates that customization not only satisfies the individualized needs, but also is an innovation in thinking and concept, which can better realize the optimal allocation of products, achieve the effect of elegance and common taste, and the effect of spring and white snow. The future of freestyle for the future trend of service customization, Li Pingfeng said, will be integrated with all home appliances into the smart home, the Internet, but this road is still very long, still need time transition period; service customization is still very few People are using it, and the overall quality of the current lighting industry products is worrying. Moreover, customization reflects the technology and strength of a company. For example, in the case of gold products, the sales volume is definitely a product of the general market. Customized products need to be opened independently, such as in-mold film (IML) technology, which can be imitated. Arrived. Similarly, Tu Xiaoying also issued the same feeling, and the market demand for customized future will expand, which is beyond doubt. However, it is impossible to replace the traditional conventional production in the short-term, because the brand awareness in the market is strong, the consumer's conventional production concept has been ingrained, and the concept of customization is still a new thing, but it can be seen from a distance. But it is undeniable that customization will become a vital category in all industries, adding color to the industry.

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