Increase the amount of scientific and technological investment in explosion-proof blowers to the energy saving and environmental protection theme

As a chemical machinery company, if we want to achieve remarkable results in the market, we must also persist for ten years. In the wave of society, only in the direction of technologicalization and "precision" can we meet the requirements of food development. For enterprises to increase investment in science and technology, improve the level of packaging and technology is inevitable in the future development. Only this can meet the needs of the development of food packaging, in order to comply with the trend of development of the times.

Recently, the high-pressure and environment-friendly FRP blower developed by a company in Luzhou City, Hengshui passed the actual application test certification of several large chemical pharmaceutical manufacturers in China, such as Liaoning Meigao Group and Guangdong Loyalty Group, and was independently developed by the company. The "vacuum plus double-face sealing technology" successfully obtained national technical patents, marking China's first high-pressure environment-friendly FRP blower formally developed in Shengzhou.

The future prospects of medium pressure explosion-proof fans With the improvement of economic development level, people have higher and higher requirements for the safety and quality of chemical machinery. This places higher requirements on the packaging of equipment. The chemical machinery industry will have a future. What kind of development?

According to industry analysts, chemical machinery can be further developed and the market has undergone tremendous changes. However, it is not an easy task for the machinery industry to lock in the big market. From the current economic development model, we can feel that the current market economy is developing very fast. In this fast-developing society, various industries are packaging modernization. Machine equipment is also very concerned about, in the food packaging machine has continuous innovation, continuous updating, constantly welcome new development opportunities in the changes in quality and quantity, in the development of society continue to encounter problems to solve problems, so let The food packaging machine has grown into a new trend in the face of constant changes in problems encountered and has led to the further development of the packaging machine industry.

For a company, having a good reputation can bring unexpected benefits to the company, allowing the company to get a better development trend, and gain the exact benefits and help in production and sales. Therefore, food packing machine companies must spend a lot of time and effort to establish their own good reputation.

Among the performance parameters of explosion-proof blowers, the more important ones are the gas flow, pressure, power delivered, efficiency, and impeller speed, etc. This is a concern in the selection process. The gas flow parameters of the medium-pressure fan represent the volume of the gas that the fan can process in a unit time, and the pressure of the medium-pressure fan refers to the internal gas pressure value during the operation of the medium-pressure fan. The efficiency of a medium-pressure fan refers to the ratio between the shaft power of the medium-pressure fan and the effective power of the actual processing gas. At present, the total pressure efficiency of centrifugal fans is about 90%. In the future development of centrifugal fans, the efficiency value will be one of the objectives pursued by researchers.

High-pressure explosion-proof fan energy-saving direction Energy-saving emission reduction is a key point in the National Twelfth Five-Year Plan, and it is the direction of our valiant development. Making the high-pressure fan more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly is the unremitting pursuit of the whole wind! In terms of specific high-pressure fans, what methods can make our high-pressure fans more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly?

According to fluid mechanics theory, the flow of gas will be accompanied by losses. For example, the pressure of the gas stream after the gas flows through the throttling device is correspondingly reduced, that is, they lose useful work of the high pressure fan. Because all this happens during the process of the high pressure fan delivering gas, that is, the energy of the high pressure fan is wasted. The fan operating point is the intersection of the performance curve of the fan at a certain speed and the resistance characteristics of the pipe network.

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