Han Feng pushes bio-carbon energy

The person in charge of Hanfeng Slow-Release Fertilizer Co., Ltd. recently stated that in the second half of this year, the company will further expand its promotion efforts to fully implement the promotion of bio-carbon energy slow-release fertilizers.

It is understood that Hanfeng Bio-Carbon Sustained Release Fertilizer is manufactured using the world's leading breakthrough bio-fertilizer technology, which can maximize the development of plant genetic potential, regulate plant physiological balance, and increase crop photosynthesis efficiency, thereby enabling crop yields, The remarkable improvement in quality and stress resistance has been hailed as "a revolutionary nutrient transfer technology." This product brings together technologies and functions such as “carbon ultra energy”, Hanfeng unique patented microcrystalline wax-sulfur coated urea, complex phosphorus and potassium, and various trace elements, which can meet the needs of nutrients during the whole growing period of various crops. , Promote seed germination, increase seed germination rate; Promote crop root elongation, bifurcation, produce a large number of lateral roots, root system developed; Promote plants robust growth, not de-fertilization, lodging resistance, improve flowering pollination ability; mature fruit grain quality, High nutritional content and high yield. The carbon energy solution can also be used for seed dressing, soaking, foliar spraying, dissolution into liquid fertilizers or inclusion of granular urea. The product has the characteristics of green, environmental protection, high efficiency, slow release, and full nutrition, and is particularly suitable for China's development of "green agriculture" fertilizer demand.

After the Hanfeng Bio-Carbon Sustained Release Fertilizer product came out, it attracted the attention from the agricultural extension fields all over the country. The Beijing Daxue Farming Co., Ltd., due to Hanfeng's bio-carbon energy product characteristics, fits the strategic thinking of Bei Da Huang's construction of a green agricultural industrial system and the realization of the “ecological, intelligent, and low carbonization” of agriculture, and is specifically experimenting and exploring the application of Hanfeng eco-fertilizer in the Peking University's barren areas. effect. The results of experiments conducted by the Heilongjiang Academy of Agriculture and Reclamation on farms show that: Hanfeng Bio-Carbon Sustained Release Fertilizer has a significant increase in production, greatly improving the quality of crops, resisting stress, and resisting diseases and insect pests; reducing fertilizer nutrient loss, reducing environmental pollution, and improving soil fertility , is a truly efficient, non-toxic, low-carbon ecological biological slow release fertilizer. It is reported that Zhejiang University cooperates with Hanfeng Corporation to use bio-carbon energy slow-release fertilizers for the major issues of surface pollution control during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. Hanfeng Bio-Carbon Sustained-Release Fertilizers have low carbon and high-yield effects and have also attracted all over the country. Dealers scramble to order.

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