· GEM 890 million South Korea set up a Chinese company Nuggets overseas market

At the same time that the capital layout of the domestic power battery industry is surging, many listed companies have begun to look abroad, and hope to open a new round of "enclosure movement" through overseas mergers and acquisitions or investment in setting up factories.
Recently, GEM announced that it plans to invest 150 billion won (about 890 million yuan) with South Korea's ECOPRO to establish a lithium battery electrode raw material plant in Pohang, South Korea.
ECOPRO's main products are power battery materials such as NCA and NCM. It is currently the second largest manufacturer of NCA cathode materials in the world and the sole external supplier of NCA cathode materials for Samsung SDI.
For this layout, GEM Mei’s secretary Ouyang Mingzhi said that relying on this layout, GEM can make full use of international technology and resources to enter the Korean market and the international market more directly.
In fact, as early as December last year, GEM had signed an agreement with ECOPRO on the NCA cathode material business for lithium batteries for vehicles. Under the agreement, ECOPRO agreed to entrust Samsung SDI's lithium battery precursor manufacturing project to GEM. It is under the agreement that GEM began to indirectly enter the Samsung SDI power battery supply chain.
This time, the establishment of a factory in South Korea clearly takes Gemme and ECOPRO closer, from simple supplier collaboration to deeper strategic cooperation. Ouyang Mingzhi confessed that the two sides have only reached an initial agreement. As for the details of which materials to produce, how to plan for production, and the shareholding situation, details are still being discussed.
Although the layout in South Korea still lacks substantial content, GEM's move has begun to release an important signal: Lithium-ion listed companies and industrial capital seem to have not only limited their eyes to domestic Instead, it began to look overseas and seek a broader development platform and market space.
According to preliminary statistics, since the first half of this year, there have been a number of listed companies such as Pioneer Intelligence, Xinlun Technology, Wintech, Shanshan, Yanfeng Lithium, and GEM, which are involved in overseas mergers and acquisitions or factories, according to different positioning. The strategic objectives of these enterprises are different. Some swords refer to the right to speak of raw materials, some intend to extend their business, some hope to enhance their technical strength, and some intend to expand overseas markets...
One big trend that cannot be stopped is that as the industry develops in depth, the overseas expansion of the lithium-ion industry chain companies will continue to increase.
Looking up the ball, in South America, there are abundant and high-quality lithium resources; in Japan and South Korea, there are mature and leading lithium-ion enterprises with technology, management and manufacturing, as well as high-end positioning, which can drive the rapid improvement of customer resources; There is a vast space for new energy vehicles and energy storage. All of these will become rich mines for overseas companies.
Under the background of capital globalization and economic integration, the overseas road of Chinese lithium-ion enterprises is being fully opened. I have sorted out the overseas layout of listed companies in the first half of the year and hope to benefit readers.
1. GEM 890 million set up a factory in Korea GEM announced that it plans to invest 150 billion won (about 890 million yuan) with ECOPRO in Korea to establish a lithium battery electrode raw material plant in Pohang, South Korea.
For this layout, the Institute of Advanced Research and Development Lithium Power Research Institute (GGII) believes that it has the following beneficial effects for GEM.
1. Capital market: Binding foreign-funded material enterprises to enhance product performance and thus enhance the status of the industry.
2, material development: with the help of foreign existing technology, quickly improve the technical level of high-nickel materials; strong alliance, is conducive to the supply chain of SDI, LG and other international giants.
3. Industrial layout: By taking advantage of the reputation of foreign first-line materials enterprises, we will expand our influence in the international and domestic markets and form a closed-loop circular economy of “recycling-materials-recycling”.
From the perspective of Ecopro, it can also bring about two obvious advantages.
1. Indirect entry into the Chinese market: ECOPRO's previous business was limited to South Korea, and now the joint venture between the two companies is conducive to its expansion of China's business;
2, raw material advantages: GEM's main material recycling, earlier acquired Kailik, can guarantee the supply of raw materials such as cobalt, nickel, and has a certain price advantage.
However, GGII also said that the two have a combination of policies, business philosophy, Ecopro transfer non-core technology and other cooperation risks. In short, the two need each, one in order to improve their own technical level, and expect to enter the international supply chain; one in order to obtain market and raw material price advantage and supply security. If the business philosophy is consistent and in-depth cooperation, the joint venture factory will have certain development prospects.
2. Wintech Technology Japan established a lithium-electric joint venture company On April 26, 2016, Wintech announced that it plans to establish YHJ R&D Co., Ltd. with a Japanese nationality natural person, TSUSHIMA YOSUKE and its team.
Wintech invested US$8 million in cash, accounting for 80% of the registered capital; Jinyu Yangsuke and his team contributed RMB 2 million in cash, accounting for 20% of the registered capital. YHJ R&D Co., Ltd. plans to carry out sales of lithium battery production equipment; import and export trade; lithium battery production equipment technology research, cooperative development and other services.
Xu Yixiang, vice president of Wintech, said that as a typical enterprise with open development, the choice of winning and cooperating with foreign equipment companies has now formed a clearer model, mainly in two ways. The first way is to directly establish a joint venture company, completely Independent accounting, we give money to the land, foreign companies send technology and management teams.
The second is to simply buy out the technology of foreign equipment companies, you give me long-term technical consultant guidance, talk about cooperation you can join, you can enter when the after-sales service needs, the latter can be divided into corresponding partners.
On the one hand, cooperation with foreign companies can improve their own technical level, and at the same time they can play a positive role and effect in management ability and brand promotion, and can truly integrate Japanese and Korean management into their own enterprise development.
Xu Yi said that in a certain sense, this kind of cooperation can also accumulate and pave the way for the international supply chain such as Samsung and LG. There is no other way out for winning the future. Only through open development, technology, service and management are the best.
3. Pilot Smart Euro Cash Acquires JOT Company On April 19, 2016, Pioneer Intelligence and the counterparty signed the Equity Purchase Agreement, which agreed to acquire 100% equity of JOT Company in Euro Cash.
JOT's main business is the development, production, sales and service of automated inspection and assembly equipment and related system solutions for the 3C industry. It has the world's leading automated test and assembly technology for smartphones, wearables and tablets. Testing and assembly in the production process of computers and laptops.
For this acquisition, Pioneer Intelligence said that it is conducive to the company's expansion of overseas markets and accelerate the strategic layout of globalization. At the same time, the acquisition is also conducive to the pioneering intelligent expansion of business areas. After the completion of the transaction, the company's main business in the field of automation equipment will further Expanding, in addition to the field of film capacitor equipment business, photovoltaic automation production equipment business and lithium battery equipment business, the mobile intelligent equipment automated test and assembly equipment business.
On July 20th, Pioneer Intelligence decided to terminate the “acquisition of the 100% equity project of JOT Company”. For the reason for termination, Pioneer Intelligence stated that due to the large uncertainty of the implementation of JOT's 2016 operating results, the pilot intelligence and the counterparty ultimately failed to reach an agreement on the adjustment arrangement of the acquisition plan.
4, Xinlun Technology 9.5 billion yen acquisition of T&T
On July 12, 2016, Xinlun Technology acquired 9.5 billion yen for T&T Enertechno, a lithium battery aluminum plastic film soft pack company, of which 1.973 billion yen will be used to acquire 100% equity of “T&T Enertechno Triple”; 75.27 100 million yen is used to pay for all the proprietary technology T&T has to operate the lithium battery aluminum film soft pack business.
T&T is a well-known Japanese company that manufactures and sells various lithium-ion battery packaging materials jointly developed by Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. and Toyo Can Co., Ltd.
A person in charge of the new secrets of the company, said that the company chose to acquire overseas companies in the field of lithium-plastic aluminum film, based on the company’s competitive advantage in the aluminum film market and confidence in the future market of aluminum film. .
On the one hand, the acquisition of Japanese companies can directly shift the factories, equipment, production lines, customer groups and sales of Japanese companies, and directly carry out the aluminum plastic film business in China to seize market opportunities.
On the other hand, the acquisition of foreign companies is also a shortcut and an important channel to accelerate the localization of aluminum-plastic film and replace imported products, which can improve the mass production capacity and market share of domestic aluminum-plastic film.
5. Yanfeng Lithium acquired 43.1% stake in RIM On July 7, 2016, Yanfeng Lithium announced that it had acquired a 18.1% stake in RIM through Qifeng International. In September last year, Yanfeng Lithium invested US$25 million in the first phase to acquire a 25% stake in RIM through the acquisition of RIM's equity held by some Neometals Ltd and part of the capital increase in RIM. Upon completion of the transaction, Yanfeng Lithium will hold a 43.1% stake in RIM.
Founded on August 11, 2009, RIM is a diversified mining and exploration company in Western Australia. It owns 100% of the Mt Marion spodumene project and has obtained all the necessary permits for the Mt Marion spodumene project. At present, a production line with an annual output of 200,000 tons of lithium concentrate (containing 6% of lithium oxide) is being built.
The raw materials of lithium products are mainly two types of brine and lithium ore. Among them, global brine accounts for about 60%-70%. Peng Aiping of Yanfeng Lithium said that if it is to meet production, the annual demand for raw materials is about 130,000 tons. The global brine and lithium ore resources are mainly concentrated in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Australia and other countries. All raw materials of the company need to be imported from abroad.
However, there are quota restrictions on raw material supply, and it is also easy to be subject to people. Yanfeng Lithium hopes to have a raw material supply channel that he can master. In addition to participating in RIM, in 2013, Haofeng Lithium acquired a 17.4% stake in Canada's international lithium industry. In 2014, through the capital increase of Canada's international lithium industry, it obtained a 51% stake in Ireland's Blackstairs spodumene mine and an 80% stake in Argentina's Mariana brine mine. The series of actions made the raw material channel of Yanfeng Lithium industry open quickly. Around November of this year, Australia's spodumene mine will be officially put into production, and raw materials will become self-sufficient. The person in charge of Lifeng Lithium said that the production capacity of the Australian spodumene mine exceeded the company's current demand for raw materials, which also prepared the company for expanding its production capacity in the future.

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