Evaluation of heap leaching technical indicators

I. Reliability evaluation of technical solutions

In evaluating the heap leaching technical solution, the heap leaching process and its parameters must be technically feasible; the parameters are reliable; the experimental research report has been identified. In the whole technical plan and technical measures, the representativeness of the ore sample, the reliability of the leaching rate, and the authenticity of the tail slag grade are emphasized. The unit consumption indicators for the treatment of water, electricity, leaching agents, and valuable auxiliary materials for ore must also be verified one by one. For selected equipment, especially key equipment, it is necessary to distinguish between fixed and non-standard. If it is a type of equipment, it is necessary to examine the degree of compliance between processing capacity and equipment size. For non-standard equipment, the quality performance after processing should be considered.

Second, the evaluation of the advanced level of technology

It is generally carried out using an analogy approach. The new technical method adopted is compared with the technical indicators obtained by the conventional technical method, and the leaching rate, material consumption, leaching period and the like are compared as an ore using granulation heap leaching and non-granulation heap leaching. If a new crusher is used, the same ore can be used to compare the processing capacity, power consumption, and material (such as liner) consumption of two (new and conventional) crushers per unit time.

Third, technology impact on social and environmental impacts

The amount of waste water generated by the project, the harmful components in the waste water, and the amount of waste slag are carefully analyzed by the harmful components remaining in the waste slag, and combined with the technical measures of the three waste treatment processes to evaluate the technology to the society and the environment. applicability.

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