Current and speed control of CNC plasma cutting machine during operation

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The choice of cutting parameters of the CNC plasma cutting machine is crucial for the cutting quality, cutting speed and efficiency. The correct use of CNC plasma machines for high-quality, rapid cutting requires a deep understanding and mastery of the cutting process parameters.
Cutting current: It is the most important cutting process parameters that directly determine the cutting thickness and speed, ie cutting ability. Impact:
1. The cutting current increases, the arc energy increases, the cutting ability increases, and the cutting speed increases.
2. The cutting current increases, the diameter of the arc increases, and the arc becomes thicker so that the incision becomes wider;
3. When the cutting current is too large, the thermal load of the nozzle increases, the nozzle is damaged prematurely, and the cutting quality naturally decreases, and even normal cutting cannot be performed. Therefore, the cutting current and the corresponding nozzle should be selected correctly according to the thickness of the material before cutting.
Cutting speed: The optimal cutting speed range can be selected according to equipment instructions or determined by tests. Due to the thickness and material of the material, the melting point, the thermal conductivity and the surface tension after melting, the cutting speed is also corresponding. Variety. main performance:
1. Moderately improved cutting speed can improve the quality of the incision, that is, the incision is slightly narrowed, the incision surface is more even and the deformation can be reduced.
2. If the cutting speed is too fast, the energy of the cutting line is lower than the required amount. The jet in the slit cannot quickly blow off the melted cutting melt to form a large rear drag, accompanied with slag, incision Surface quality declines.
3. When the cutting speed is too low, because the cutting point is the anode of the plasma arc, in order to maintain the stability of the arc itself, the anode spot or anode area must find the conducting current place near the nearest kerf to the arc, and it will also flow toward the jet. Radiating more heat, so that the incision widens, melted material on both sides of the incision gathered and solidified at the bottom edge, forming a slag difficult to clean, and the upper edge of the incision due to excessive melting and heating to form a rounded corner.
4. When the speed is extremely low, the arc will even extinguish due to the wide cut. Thus, good cutting quality and cutting speed are inseparable.
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