China ranks fourth in the world in terms of manufacturing powerful countries index

The 2015 China Manufacturing Power Development Index Report released by the China Academy of Engineering Strategic Consulting Center and the Machinery Research Institute shows that since the beginning of the new century, the gap between China and the manufacturing powers has shrunk by half. It has never been higher than 30% of the US index. Nearly 58% of the U.S. index. At present, the China Manufacturing Power Index ranks fourth in the world and is at the forefront of the third-party array. The United States is the first phalanx, and Germany and Japan are the second phalanx.
Academician Zhou Ji, dean of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, stated at the press conference that manufacturing is the foundation of the country, the device for rejuvenating the country, the foundation for strengthening the country, the entity of the real economy, and the main battlefield for innovation-driven transformation and upgrading of the development model.
United States' re-industrialization, manufacturing reversion strategy, German industry 4.0, UK's industrial 2050 strategy ... Looking at the world, countries with rapid manufacturing growth have formulated relevant national strategies. Since 2013, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), have jointly launched a major consulting research project, "Strategic Research on Manufacturing Powerhouses." In 2015, China began implementing the "Made in China 2025" strategy.
“The composite index of China’s manufacturing powers has increased significantly over the past 10 years, but it still has a large gap with the developed countries, such as the United States, Germany, and Japan. From the perspective of the growth rate of the four first-level indicators sub-index, the Although the growth rate has slowed down, it still occupies an absolute dominant position in the exponential growth. The quality and efficiency are still the bottleneck, and the structural optimization needs to be broken through. The capacity for sustainable development has begun to pick up, said Academician Zhu Gaofeng, the project team leader.
The report pointed out that China’s manufacturing industry is large and not strong, with overcapacity and redundant construction problems, core technologies and key components are subject to human control, and product quality issues are prominent.
"According to the strategic goal of 'Made in China 2025', China is expected to enter the ranks of manufacturing powerhouses and enter the second phalanx of the world's manufacturing powerhouses by 2025. At present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and it is in a state of climbing. At important points, it is necessary to accelerate the transformation of development methods, promote the upgrading of the industrial structure, and target key links such as innovation-driven, intelligent transformation, strengthening of the foundation, and green development, and promote leap-forward development of the manufacturing industry, said Zhu Gaofeng.
In order to reflect the development process of manufacturing powers in the system, the project team plans to release the “China Manufacturing Power Index Annual Development Report” for a period of time in the future, and continuously optimize relevant indicators and evaluations in accordance with the new trend of manufacturing industry development.
A total of seven volumes of the "Made in China 2025 Series" were released on the same day. Zhou Ji said that the series of books has been innovative in publishing, online open access and paper publishing simultaneously.

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