·Car network subverts traditional mode industry standards to be established

At present, the wave of intelligent and interconnected cars is sweeping the world, and the Internet of Vehicles has also entered the people's field of vision. Automakers are busy selling new cars with intelligent systems, IT vendors developing chips, in-vehicle systems and various smart solutions. Internet companies are busy developing operating systems, various application services, or building auto trading and service platforms...
Many insiders believe that the future of the car is more like a "wheel-mounted computer" - it will evolve from an isolated device to an intelligent, powerful computing power that can access the network anytime, anywhere. Center, communication center, entertainment center and interactive entrance.
It is true that the Internet of Vehicles still has chaotic product and service standards, but the Internet revolution in the automotive industry has begun, as Bill Ford said: “In my career, the automotive industry has been an isolated industry in isolated towns. But now it has been blown open."
The vehicle system is the core. The automotive industry has always been a relatively closed system. The vehicle manufacturers are the absolute center, whether it is the upstream component supplier, the downstream dealer, the 4S shop, or even the terminal service provider. Car manufacturers have a very strong voice. In this way, the stable solid system centered on the car factory has been difficult to be shaken in the 10 years of the development of the domestic automobile industry.
But the new generation of technology and ideas are transforming this. IT and Internet companies have been involved in the automotive service industry for a long time. The exploration and trials of traditional car manufacturers in the field of vehicle and vehicle control have never stopped. One of the core is the in-vehicle system.
For a long time, the front-loading market was dominated by car manufacturers, and all major car companies have launched their own in-vehicle information service systems. Most of these systems are based on the QNX platform acquired by BlackBerry and the Microsoft platform, and are a market with tens of billions of dollars in value and innovation.
Since then, with the development of the Internet and mobile communications, the aftermarket has taken the lead and attracted major technology companies. Both Apple and Google are eyeing this. The Carplay system first introduced by the former has appeared in new cars such as the Volvo XC90, and the latter has launched an OAA alliance that brings together multiple vendors.
Whether it is AndroidAuto or CarPlay, you need to use a data cable to connect to the phone, map the phone system to the car touch screen, and implement various functions. Of course, you don't necessarily need to replace a new car. Apple has announced cooperation with Pioneer and other in-vehicle systems companies to launch CarPlay's in-vehicle module; Google has also joined JVC, Pioneer and other manufacturers to allow users who are not willing to change cars to use lower Costs use their onboard systems. In addition, the domestic Internet giant is also on this layout. Baidu launched Carnet this year, Tencent launched the Lubao box App, and Ali launched the "yunOS" operating system...
Car thinking and network thinking In the industry's view, the "higher dimension application" of the Internet of Vehicles is in the field of intelligent driving and intelligent transportation. Many IT giants offer such services, such as IBM, Microsoft, and Deutsche Telekom. In this mode, the Internet of Vehicles has a huge impact on logistics companies, and each car's tires are equivalent to an IP address.
According to Deutsche Telekom related sources, the network will be the core of profit through post-market services such as cloud services and big data analytics. Car companies, dealers and repair shops can control the post-market through big data. At the same time, service modes such as smart driving and intelligent transportation can also be carried out.
Huang Chong, an analyst at Chuan Cai Securities, pointed out: "The above two directions can be summarized as different modes based on the two ideas of car and network." "Car thinking" is to build a vehicle network business model from the vehicle application, mainly Promoted and developed by traditional car manufacturers, such as the universal Onstar system based on the call center, based on car GPS chip to provide related services, services include car security, life services, navigation and other services.
Internet companies are more willing to look at cars from the perspective of the Internet. In the "network thinking" mode, the car screen is regarded as a new terminal, and the center console is regarded as a function similar to a mobile phone touch screen. Based on this special application scenario, it will be based on mobile phones. Internet applications are integrated with vehicle usage scenarios.
Industry standards to be determined This change has also affected the upstream and downstream industries of automobiles and generated huge market value. Analyst Pan Yi, senior analyst of Analysys International, told the reporter of "Daily Economic News" that "in this process, automotive Internet companies play an important role in providing online or online and offline integration for all links in the industry chain. The solution helps traditional automotive pre-market and post-market related companies complete digital, networked and mobile transformation."
Pan Wei pointed out that after the vehicle is connected in the future, the owner only needs to download an App to realize upstream data analysis and downstream data collection. Car repair methods will change, all tests can be seen online at any time, and test analysis adjustments can be done online. Once a failure requires rescue, you can gain insight into the car problem in advance.
In addition, the pattern of consumer credit and auto insurance will be completely changed. Each car owner does not have to pay the same auto insurance fee. The insurance company will judge each person's need to pay through the driver's behavior pattern, the passing road and the surrounding environment. The amount of the premium.
It is worth noting that in the early stages of the development of the Internet of Vehicles, the intricate product styles, interfaces and service models are constantly changing and changing, which is why people are confused about the Internet of Vehicles.
However, the establishment of a unified standard is not easy, and given its extreme importance, the debate is extremely intense. There are individual vendors that set their own standards, such as GM, Ford's Applink, Mylink system, and some vendors have joined together to set standards such as Mirrolink. In addition, Google has established OOA, combined with a number of manufacturers to launch Androidauto and Apple to pull car manufacturers to launch Carplay, behind the set of industry-standard wishful thinking.
Ding Huajie said: "This stage is a key stage in the formation of the Internet of Vehicles industry standards. MirrorLink, which is currently built on existing Internet technologies and standards (such as Bluetooth, USB) and supported by most vendors, is promising, but this is only a connection. Standards for smartphones and in-vehicle infotainment systems, and more product and service standards will be established in the future."

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