At the same time the release of a new environmental muck Shaanxi automobile cup hero skills competition Tangshan open

Although we are living under the blue sky, the uninvited guest “haze fog” seems to make people feel more and more distant from the blue sky. The accelerating process of urbanization in China, project construction, dust generated by rational transportation, and motor vehicle emissions have all been identified as the main reasons for the rise of smog. The associated city dreg trucks are then added to key monitoring objects. .

The blue sky is very valuable, and the upgrading and management of city dregs is imperative. In order to help the development of urbanization, promote the healthy and orderly development of the construction waste disposal industry, establish the civilized construction of construction waste, standardize the new trend, and improve the production skills and safe transportation awareness of the employees, Shaanxi Automobile heavy trucks are the first in the industry, 2017 The year of innovation and upgrading of slag truck special experience promotion - "Shaanxi Steam Cup" dregs hero skills contest. On March 18th, the first stop of the contest was opened in Tangshan. At the same time, a grand launch of the country’s five new environmentally friendly muck trucks started from the “people and car” and launched a new round of competition with the city’s “diseases” to guard the dream of the blue sky. A mission to the blue sky.

First, Wang Yongfeng, deputy general manager of Shaanxi Heavy Duty Truck Sales Co., Ltd., introduced to visitors: “We Shaanxi Steam has actively responded to the concept of green environmental protection advocated by the country and pioneered the introduction of a series of environmentally-friendly methane wastes such as the new intelligent environmental protection slag truck X3000 and the new M3000. Car products, as a leading enterprise in China's equipment manufacturing industry, Shaanxi Automobile actively takes on social responsibilities. Shaanxi Automobile's new intelligent environmental protection slag truck will contribute to the acceleration of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration construction.”
“In 2017, Shaanxi Heavy Trucks achieved nearly 200% year-on-year growth in January-February, which is the fastest growth rate in the industry.” Guanghan Li, General Manager of Shaanxi-Tianjin-Hebei Region, announced to more than 100 guests present at the beginning of the meeting. Sales performance for the first two months of the year. The remarkable achievements came from the deepening of the marketing model of product lines by Shaanxi Auto and the active adjustment of the market structure of the product structure. This activity was also an important step in the demand and development of Shaanxi Auto Heavy Duty Trucks quickly leading the market.
The integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei is a major national strategy. As part of this, Tangshan has become a city that has emerged from the “ruins” with the support of the country and society. Nirvana’s rebirth has undergone rapid development and changes. However, the number of construction projects and construction sites has gradually increased, the demand for and transportation of dregs and various types of engineering materials have continued to grow, and the engineering transportation market has developed rapidly. It has played an active role in ensuring the smooth construction of all construction projects, but the engineering transportation vehicles ( The problems arising from the management of the common people, commonly known as "dump trucks," have become increasingly prominent. Shaanxi Steam Truck Heavy Duty Co., Ltd., through a multi-faceted investigation by the society, is deeply aware of the seriousness of the matter.
“For a long time, due to the obsolete models, excessive emissions, vehicle speeding, red lights, retrograde, high-spirited, spilled, mud, and other illegal operations, the residue truck has repeatedly caused major traffic safety accidents and caused leaders and management departments at all levels. Attention, dissatisfaction from the general public, and news media attention have once become chronic problems in urban management, and are also hot and difficult issues of concern to the society. The employees of the dross-soil removal and transport industry are originally city builders and have paid huge amounts for the modernization of the city. Efforts and hardships should be respected by this city.” Li Guangjun, the general manager of the region, expressed his understanding of the practitioners and explained the reasons for this event.
At the same time, he also stated that “the purpose of holding this event is to take the opportunity of contesting the skills of transport personnel represented by employees, exchange, study, compete and accept the judgment of professional referees, standardize clear operation, raise awareness of civilization, and thoroughly To reverse the bad image of the clean operation industry, maximize the construction waste management personnel and employees to work in accordance with the regulations, and make more contributions to the construction of a civilized city.” This shows that the customer of Shaanxi Auto Heavy Duty Truck Co., Ltd. promotes safe and civilized driving in the form of competition. Ideas, and provide better products for users to experience and solve user problems. At the same time, it is also for the sake of the blue sky dream of the whole society.
The event attracted the attention and support of the Tangshan City Waste and Soil Transportation Association. The Association’s president Chang Junyuan, vice president Ma Chaoyang and several important members of the Wasteland Association attended the event.
“In order to effectively control the emissions of fuel oil residue vehicles exceeding the standard and to prevent them from drifting, they have reduced air pollution and continued to improve the air quality in the downtown area. Last year, the Tangshan City Government has issued the “Prohibition of the prohibition of fuel slag within the loop outside the downtown area. "A Notice on the Driving of Soil Transport Vehicles" and discussed with our association for many meetings. We have started to regulate and govern the waste transportation industry, standardize the driver's driving behavior, and start planning to replace the new environmentally friendly waste truck." In the far speech, Tangshan City disclosed the bulk demand for new environmentally friendly slag trucks, and strongly recognized Sharon's heavy trucks to send in charcoal and timely release high-quality products, showing clear cooperation intentions.
After a brief release ceremony, the event entered the core competition. The on-site referee first introduced the protagonist of this event to the contestants and guests present at the event—Shaanxi Delong X3000 State Five new smart environmental muck. The car has four major performance advantages: environmental protection, intelligence, safety and comfort.

It is worth mentioning that the vehicle can be matched with the Skywalker management system to monitor all the information of the vehicle running in real time and to monitor and rank the driver’s driving behavior; the whole vehicle can be equipped with six surveillance cameras and the radar on both sides of the vehicle. Ranging alarms and tops have alarms that are not returned, and zone speed limits can also be applied as required. In addition, in terms of details, U-shaped containers can effectively avoid the construction of garbage hanging, if the top cover of the car is not closed, but also smart speed limit 5km / h. Solve the daily problems of slag trucks from the aspect of vehicle design.

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