Analysis of High-end Valve Technology and International Level Gaps

With the rapid development of China's economy, the valve industry, as a national industry, has experienced rapid development for several years and has been rapidly developed throughout the country. It has become one of the fastest growing major industries in the domestic machinery industry. Although China's valve industry has developed rapidly, There are also many problems that arise. The level of development of the industry is low, the technical content of products is low, and many control valves are still low-end products. As the domestic valve industry started late, it is still in the development stage, and its valve design, manufacturing, production, and testing capabilities are lower than foreign advanced standards. Many key valves also rely on imports. Many valves do not have core technology, coupled with the limitations of the level of automation control. There is a certain gap between high-end valve technology and developed countries. What are the reasons for such problems?

In China's current valve market, in addition to the low pressure valve has reached the level accepted by the international market, high pressure valves still have to rely on imports. In the continuing favorable macroeconomic situation, most of the valve industry's production and sales indicators have maintained rapid growth, but due to the impact of price wars, industry sales revenue and profits have dropped significantly compared with last year.

With the recovery of the world economy, the import and export of China's valve products have also increased, but the competition in the international valve market is also increasing. Because there is still a large gap between high-end technology and foreign large manufacturers, in the coming period, product technology will become a bottleneck restricting the development of China's valve products.

Valves are indispensable fluid control equipment for various departments of the national economy such as petroleum, chemical industry, power stations, long-distance pipelines, shipbuilding, nuclear industries, various cryogenics, aerospace, and marine oil extraction. According to an expert survey conducted by, it has been found that after years of development, the number of valve companies in China ranks first in the world. There are about 6,000 valve companies of all sizes, of which 900 have an annual output value of more than 5 million yuan. From the product point of view, China's valve industry has now been able to produce more than 10 categories of products, such as gate valves, globe valves, ball valves, butterfly valves, safety valves, check valves, throttle valves, plug valves, pressure reducing valves, diaphragm valves, Traps, emergency shut-off valves, etc., the maximum operating temperature of 570 °C, the lowest -196 °C, the maximum pressure of 600Mpa, the maximum diameter of 5350 mm.

In addition, according to relevant department statistics, China's valve market turnover is as high as 50 billion yuan each year, of which more than 100 billion yuan of the market has been occupied by foreign valve companies. Although the valve industry in China has undergone vigorous development after the reform and opening up, it has achieved notable results. However, at present, there are still some problems in China's valve industry. For example, currently China's valve companies mainly focus on low-level, small-scale, and family-oriented enterprises.

In the product, due to repeated investment, technology investment, and insufficient introduction, the leading product of China's valve companies is still low-quality mass products. At present, various types of valves produced by enterprises in China have the disadvantages of external leakage, internal leakage, poor appearance quality, short life span, inflexible operation, and unreliable valve electric devices and pneumatic devices. Some products are only equivalent to the eighties of the previous century. The early international level. Some valves required for high temperature, high pressure, and key devices are still dependent on imports. In addition, the industry structure of China's valve industry, the industrial chain of the valve industry, and the degree of specialization of the industry all have a large gap with foreign companies. The reason for the low quality of domestic valve products is that due to the rapid expansion of the market, the existing state-owned valve companies have been shut down and switched. The level of the mechanical industry was not high, and township and village enterprises (private enterprises) have developed rapidly. However, township and village enterprises have a low starting point, technical strength is very weak, equipment is simple, and most of the products are imitating production, especially low-pressure valves for water supply and drainage. The problem is serious.

At present, there is a clear gap between China's valve industry and foreign valve industry. There are four major comprehensive gaps: First, the gap in technological innovation capability; Second, the gap in processing technology; Third, the gap in quality management and equipment; Fourth, the process Management gap. This also allows us to see our own deficiencies, in order to find the gap and the essence of the problem, so as to improve and improve.

1. The gap in technological innovation capacity The lack of technological innovation capability is a stumbling block to the development of our valve industry. At present, the design level of China's valve industry is not high. Although domestic backbone enterprises have certain research and development conditions, the majority of valve companies' R&D centers are limited by personnel and facilities, lack sufficient investment in capital, and have relatively closed research and development and technical service capabilities. According to the company's needs and only for corporate services, according to sales orders for the design, process preparation, the function is also relatively simple; such as the valve production process of on-site technical processing, or engaged in a small amount of new product development.

2. There is a big gap between domestic valve design levels and developed countries. At present, many domestic valve companies have rarely made innovations after introducing advanced technologies. When overseas customers visited China's heavy industry projects, such as papermaking, petrochemicals, etc., it was found that the valve products of many projects only changed on the basis of Western design prototypes. The processing technology is also relatively backward, although some domestic valve manufacturers have modern equipment that can achieve automatic operation, and even make some Western companies dwarf. However, most companies are outdated equipment and working environment. At present, China's valve companies can cast valve products such as steel, iron, aluminum, copper, and composite materials. However, due to backward casting methods, raw materials such as cast steel and cast iron are wasted in the production process, and environmental protection is also poor. Valve companies with higher technological standards in foreign countries usually have specialized R&D centers. In contrast, they have strong funds, various related research institutions, and professional and technical engineering personnel to support them. These R&D centers are often based on needs. Equipped with a special laboratory and testing agency solenoid valve, and computer application software for valve products is quite complete: both the theoretical analysis and prediction of advanced performance of new products and new technologies through analytical means, but also experimental The prediction results of the method are verified, and the correctness of the analytical method is verified based on the statistical data. A series of effective analysis methods for the valve performance and technical characteristics are obtained. Such methods are applied to the development of the subsequent valve technology, and are thus reduced. R & D costs, its research results more effective.

In fact, in terms of technical level, the design of conventional valves and the application of materials, we do not have much difference compared with well-known foreign companies. There is no insurmountable gap in the manufacturing process. What is the difference? The actual situation is that the difference is serious. In a sense, our business philosophy, the pursuit of goals, and foreign-funded enterprises have a big gap, especially if there are indeed certain problems in the processing of rough products, it is also our reflection. The practice of foreign companies is different from that of Chinese enterprises. The Chinese enterprises first engage in infrastructure construction, expand production plants and add production equipment. The plant also expands and expands, pursues large-scale and modern style, and only wants to expand the scale of production and ignores it. Due to new product development and investment, there is a serious shortage of product stamina, and most of the production products are imitations, producing only ordinary low-grade products, investing too much effort in the operation of the city's balancing valve farm, and using unfair means to engage in product marketing competition. Lack of core competence. A lot of domestic companies engaged in research and development, the more is to refer to the design of other manufacturers, thus ignoring the importance of the original experimental data, so that the product developed only has a shape and no real soul. As a whole industry system, there are also certain problems. Our R&D system is rather weak, but it is weak in innovation capability. Now some companies have a lot of branches and associates, some companies invest in research and development capabilities, and the construction of scientific and technological teams. At the same time, there are also small investments in the establishment of R&D facilities. In fact, R&D investment is very large. At present, the entire industry is in the R&D team, R&D methods, R&D product testing measures, type testing equipment, and not enough plug valves to support us. The valve industry has implemented technological research and development and development of new products, not to mention the development of high-end products.

At the same time, we must soberly realize that as China has entered the WTO for several years, China’s economy has gradually integrated itself with the world economy, and strong foreign-funded enterprises have taken over the China’s valve market. These overseas legions have strong capital and high technology. Rich business strategy, invisible to the Chinese valve market poses a certain threat, but also our main competitors in the valve industry.

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