An example of the selection of the Shaoguan tungsten-molybdenum selection plant in Yuebei

1 Introduction
Shaoguan Select Factory is a concentrated tungsten ore concentrate processing plant that handles the production of small tungsten ore in northern Guangdong. Its tungsten concentrate production accounts for about one-tenth of the country's total tungsten production.
Molybdenum minerals are an important recycling target for selected plants. It is measured in 1980, selected the material content of the molybdenum disulfide 0.37%, to produce molybdenum metal capacity of 2.7t. Among them, 76.5% are from the three mines of Hongling, Shigushan and Yaoling.
2. Molybdenum recycling process
The crude tungsten concentrate sent from the small mines in the northern part of Guangdong Province is first crushed, sieved, magnetically selected, and suspended, and the qualified tungsten concentrate is selected, as shown in Figure 1. At the same time, the sulfide mixed concentrate is produced.
Sulfide mixed concentrate sorting process varies with raw materials. The preferred method of sodium molybdenum floatation is shown in Figure 2. This method is applicable to high copper tungsten ore, containing 1.5% to 3.6% of copper and 0.35% to 0.85% of MoS 2 . .
Figure 1 Shaoguan all sulfur flotation process
Figure 2 Sulfide sorting process
The Shaoguan Select Plant has been used for the separation of copper matte by the sodium sulfide method for 18 years. After the sulphide mixture is re-ground, it is completely floated by sulphide ore, adding 870g/t of xanthate and 65g/t of 2 # oil. The obtained mixture was added with 1800 g/t of sodium sulfide into the molybdenum selection section to obtain qualified molybdenum concentrate. Lift the floating tailings and send them back to the re-election operation. The molybdenum flotation tailings enter the floating copper section, and the product in the tank is strontium concentrate; the foam product is put into the shaker for further separation of copper-bismuth.
The process for recovering molybdenum by sodium cyanide separation is shown in Figure 3. This method is applicable to low copper tungsten ore. Most of the raw materials come from mines such as Yaoling, Meikeng and Dasun. The copper content is usually 0.19%~0.94%, and MoS 2 is about 0.3%. After being lifted by the re-floating circuit, they are re-grinded, fully floated, and obtained a copper-niobium-molybdenum mixed concentrate. Then, potassium cyanide is added to suppress the flotation of copper minerals, and they are selected and selected. The tailings are copper concentrates, and the foam products are added with sodium sulfide, molybdenum and molybdenum, and obtained molybdenum concentrate and antimony concentrate.
Figure 3 Cyanide separation process
Xihuashan recovered molybdenum and antimony from 1965. The raw material of copper-molybdenum-bismuth separation-mixed sulfide coarse concentrate is the sulfide mineral removed by lifting or full sulfur flotation. The main components are shown in the following table. The dressing process is shown in Figure 4.
Table 3-42 Chemical Analysis of Sulfide Mixture in Xihua Mountain
WO 3
SiO 2
Figure 4 Process of molybdenum, antimony and copper flotation in Xihuashan tungsten mine
Sodium sulfide 5000g/t was added during two stirrings, stirred, washed with water, dehydrated and ground.
Sorting the lime adjusted pH = 9, was added sodium cyanide and copper pyrite inhibition was xanthate and kerosene as collector, # 2 oil as blowing agent.
The molybdenum concentrate contains more than 47% molybdenum and the recovery rate is 95%. The antimony concentrate contains 20% bismuth and the recovery rate is 75%.

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