2011 Jiangsu's equipment manufacturing industry completed a total output value of 4 trillion yuan

The total output value of Jiangsu's equipment manufacturing industry exceeded 4 trillion yuan, an increase of 26.2%, 1.2% higher than the province's industry, accounting for 42.0% of the province's large-scale industry, an increase of 0.9 percentage points over the previous year; to achieve the main business income Profits, taxes, and profits increased by 24.9%, 25.9%, and 23.6%, respectively; the value of export delivery increased by 20.4%, an increase of 1.7 percentage points over the provincial average. From the perspective of the year-round trend, the overall high level of operation and growth rate moderated down. In the first quarter, the first half and the first three quarters, the increase in production value was 30.0%, 29.5%, and 28.8%, respectively.

Welding Rod

Tubular tungsten carbide welding rods are a type of welding consumable used for hardfacing applications. They are made by filling a tubular steel rod with a mixture of tungsten carbide particles and a binder material.

The tungsten carbide particles provide exceptional hardness and wear resistance, making them suitable for applications where the welded surface needs to withstand high levels of abrasion, erosion, or impact. The binder material helps to hold the tungsten carbide particles together and facilitate the welding process.

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